I was really looking forward to VC until..

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  • #16
AndrewRocksSox said:
haha i wasnt referring to me, ive useful almost every emulator lol

im just saying, some people are pretty blank when it comes to computers

unless its myspace,then you have the kids that think they know everything bc tgey copy and pastes html lol

I'm sure you've useful almost every emulator lol!

I've used a few but can't get my PS3 Emulator to work, people keep saying it's crap so it must be able to run on my laptop! (/hilarious joke everyone will find funny and put in their sigs because they enjoy hilarious humour everyone finds funny)

I guess you're right though, the Wii is meant to bring in people who don't usually video game and stuff, possibly people who are personal computeraphobic, so they might know jack all about emulators and roms.

But those people won't be here reading these forums! So we don't need to talk about them.

:thumbsup: Happy new year buddy
Napalmbrain said:
Revival's right, they are too expensive. Now I understand companies want to make some kind of profit for these games, and I don't mind paying a little, but £6 for a 14 year old SNES game is just not right. :mad:

Well a game like Zelda on the SNES you won't pick up the cart for less than 15 pounds, same with Mario Kart. The RPG's sometimes go for sixty odd, especially mana and Terranigma.
Ive not really found it much of an issue yet, as I know Im not going to buy loads of the things anyway. Ive already decided Ill pick up the original Mario Kart a few of the older Marios and Road Rash on the megadrive if it ever comes out and thats it.

At the moment the VC lineup is pretty much total **** anyway. If im going to buy them its going to be games I know I will get a lot of play out of to make the spend worthwhile.
Revival said:
That's great and all but who said anything about it being Legal? I gaurantee you over 50% of this websites visitors download mp3's, use pirate software and enjoy wearing womens underwear. Yes, women don't give a **** about legality.

I hope my point as been made unclear.

Yes, you made your point very clear. . .you have no moral standards. Congradualations!!
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  • #20
csiguy4u said:
Yes, you made your point very clear. . .you have no moral standards. Congradualations!!

I've bought all the crap I want to buy on the VC on their actual consoles before, so yes congradualations to me! But if I want them all to be on one system rather than in 5030430 cartridges, it's going to be on the PC for free, and not on WiiVC with those ripoff prices
Well with the VC multiplayer games are better (two people huddling around a keyboard isn't great fun) , and you can argue that you can get the right pc controllers, but then the whole price arguement goes out of the window. Also its just something cool to have, I mean i don't have to buy pc games, i can download them, i don't have to buy cds i can download them, but you'll find that real fans and real supporters of these things WILL buy them, almost pureply because its cool to have.
Revival said:
Forget carts. Downloading the Roms/Emulators is enough. All the games that ever came out on the SNES/NES/N64/Megadrive all on one little laptop, and if you're like me, you've paired your Wiimote using Bluetooth and can use it to play them.

Note: I don't have my Wii yet, it's back at my university halls

Well ill admit to using ROMS for almost every nintendo consle (except gamecube and WII) they are illeagle i mean VERY illeagle its copy right infrigment ( and all those games on a laptop? average size of a SNES=5megsx 1000=5 gigs N64=50 megs x 1000= 50gigs nes= 1 megx1000= 1 gig + all those other consles= umm no.)
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  • #24
Flagel said:
Well with the VC multiplayer games are better (two people huddling around a keyboard isn't great fun) , and you can argue that you can get the right pc controllers, but then the whole price arguement goes out of the window. Also its just something cool to have, I mean i don't have to buy pc games, i can download them, i don't have to buy cds i can download them, but you'll find that real fans and real supporters of these things WILL buy them, almost pureply because its cool to have.

I use 2 Wireless wiimotes that I have for my wii anyway to play emulator roms :)
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  • #25
mr_resi said:
Well ill admit to using ROMS for almost every nintendo consle (except gamecube and WII) they are illeagle i mean VERY illeagle its copy right infrigment ( and all those games on a laptop? average size of a SNES=5megsx 1000=5 gigs N64=50 megs x 1000= 50gigs nes= 1 megx1000= 1 gig + all those other consles= umm no.)

Yes. I have my favourites on my laptop hdd as well as the emulators, and then I have DVD disks for each console, works fine.
Damn wii keyboard, im never typing on there again..it fills in words without me noticing haha

anyways, besides using incorrect grammer, it doesnt matter to Nintendo.

They put out old games that no one cared about and games people actually played and theyll buy them assuming they were all good. I havn't even heard of half of those games but then again im not that old lol

Now maybe if those games didnt sell, theyd do something about it, kind of like Ps3, after months of people complaining about the prices there were still idiots rushing out to buy it, or in some cases robbing places to get it xD
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  • #28
mr_resi said:
Damn why didnt i think of that 0_o

PS: Thats ichigo right? cuz bleach is awsome :D
Yeah it is Ichigo from Bleach, my girlfriend made me an avatar and signature to use, great aren't they :)

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