SSBB VC Demos - Question for Hackers and Modders


King of the Corgi Tribe
Apr 25, 2007
St. Pete Florida
Wii Online Code
To any one who has ever modded game data files and the like before, do you think that the full code for each ROM is embedded on the SSBB disk, and if it'd be possible to disable the clock to play the full versions? The fact the ROMs don't have a title screen makes me doubtful but I'm just throwing it out there to see your opinions. It be really cool it you could. Not sure if I would do it myself, I know it would mean burning a copy of the disk and playing on a modded Wii, which I'm not sure I'd be up to doing. Just very curious to see if it would be possible.
The full game is not on the disc, so even if you could disable the clock you wouldnt be able to play the full games. But its a good question though.

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