I have few questions about wii

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  • #91
:smilewinkgrin: !!!!
lol. thats right, you're the one who wants the free opera browser lol
i'll think of something
haha are you seriously still on the whole 500 points thing? i heard the internet browser really isn't that great. plus you have a computer [obviously] why would you want the browser? give someone 10 dollars to use their credit card or something. they have it to where you can buy different ones, 10, 20, 30 & 50.
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  • #93
im still so happy!!! i cant believe i got a wii!!!!!!!!!!!!:sick:
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  • #94
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cassieboo said:
haha are you seriously still on the whole 500 points thing? i heard the internet browser really isn't that great. plus you have a computer [obviously] why would you want the browser? give someone 10 dollars to use their credit card or something. they have it to where you can buy different ones, 10, 20, 30 & 50.
i agree. the web browser isn't that great. i don't even use mines.
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  • #97
they tricked me and made me think i didnt get anything for christmas....my mom waited till after 12pm to give me my wii....
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  • #98
LiquidD said:
i agree. the web browser isn't that great. i don't even use mines.

give it to mii!!!!
cassieboo said:
i got mine a few weeks ago. even though it was a christmas present i got to play it. i love it.
I got mines at launch.

Okay driftking2. this friday when i get paid im going to get a wii points card to get pokemon snap. i'll send you the browser if you still dont have by then but i want you to pay me back with a game whenever you can (a nes game to make things even). doesn't have to be this week or next week or even this month. but if you just take it and never pay me back... it would make me sad because there is nothing i can do. do you want the thought of me being sad in your conscience?
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  • #100
i will pay u back...what happens if i buy u a game and u already have it???
driftking2 said:
i will pay u back...what happens if i buy u a game and u already have it???
i'll give you a list of the game i have. just make sure to pay me back before march. im thinking of joining the army at the end of march.
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  • #102
OK....why u joining the army....if u get brawl then we still wont be able to play eachother!
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  • #104
own me???? lol!!! i think we have to buy a normal remote because i thought i read something that brawl is going to use gamecube remotes...
driftking2 said:
own me???? lol!!! i think we have to buy a normal remote because i thought i read something that brawl is going to use gamecube remotes...
you can use whatever you want. gc controls, wiimote, wiimote w/ nunchuck, or classic control.

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