just a few question about the wii plz...


WiiChat Member
Dec 9, 2006
since this is the overall wii forum topic place, guess i'll ask my questions here.
btw, if you know my question has already been asked, please give me the link, i couldnt find anything. >.>

1) i put photos on my wii using the sd card, however, i have no idea how to send them to other wii friends. i put them on the wii message board, but what do i do then? i am set up to the internet 24.

2) can i set a photo as my background for my wii? or change it in any way shape or form?

3) i hear you can put music on ur wii, and actually listen to it while playing certain games. which games are these, and what format do the songs have to be in? (mp3/wma/etc.???)

4) can you play online yet? if so, how, and which games?

5) On terms of wii friends, if i add a wii friend to my wii, he HAS to add me to his/hers, before we can actually talk or interact in anyway, correct? so if i were to get other people's wii friend numbers off this forum site, i would have to send each of them my own wii number as well? >.>

and i think that's it for now, but i'll probably come up with other questions later. thank you very much, and any info. would be much obliged.
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also, what format does the video formats have to be in?
to send photos u click on the pic then press send and choose who 2 send it to.
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...i could almost swear to you, i dont have a butten that says send when i'm view photos. on the photo message board, or anything. >.>
did u click the picture when ur at the message board when u click on it on the bottom righi it will say send.
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bottom right says slideshow for me. >.>
when i'm at the wii message board for photos. should i be doing this under the message board for letters?
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lol, nah. i'm in the wii message board for photos after i've copied some photos across from the regular photo channel. you do have to enter the photo channel to send a picture. like, the photo channel that's right next to the mii channel...right?
u go 2 like how u send messages and the pic the will b ther, then click on it hit send and choose who 2 send it 2.
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oh, so each time i add a photo, it sends me a message, which i have to save and use that to send a photo. ok, thanks man. any ideas on terms of the other qeustions i asked? ^-^
I dont think u can put a background u can only listen to music on ur sd card no oline games yet they need ur number and they need urs to send messages.
can someone answer number 3, i would like to know this. Sounds like a 360 feature i'd like to have

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