i hate DK THIIIISSSS much...


Sep 28, 2007
Raleigh, NC
for any person that plays strikers and thinks people that score using technical attacks are cheap, ought to use DK. i feel like i could beat any captain out there except for DK on a night that im not even playing to be stiker of the day. DK really angers me, mostly because he can pitch in a ball anywhere anytime. and i spend time planning my attacks and using technical maneuvers. and DK will just get the ball and rip it in.

so for all the kids that cry about technical players beating you all the time. take an easy win and use DK, right? uhgg... im so tired of DK.

maybe my practice has left me at a standstill where i should know how to overcome DK, but nothing works except for me to continue scoring and never turn the ball over. but what about when he starts with it. just send a hard ball straight into the goal from the beat.

its official, i hate people that gripe on technical players, and calling them 'cheaters' when the obvious cheat is to just come in and rip 'unfair' shots with DK. right?

so i guess my ode, and the point of this is to ask people that play the game only using simple passes and charge shots; to quit crying to the technical players, that have actually evolved their skills beyond playing sorry games of shooting from the start line or maybe some crummy pass back then back up to DK. and accept that any point is valid, and the truly cheaper point is.... anything made by DK :)
Being a "technical player" myself, I have to admit that sometimes it's disheartening to watch DK headbutt in some easy, no effort goal, but we all must learn to play with each other, and accept that no matter what technique you're using, there's counter to it.
BigORhyme said:
Being a "technical player" myself, I have to admit that sometimes it's disheartening to watch DK headbutt in some easy, no effort goal, but we all must learn to play with each other, and accept that no matter what technique you're using, there's counter to it.
I would have written the same text.

Sevenhurts, try knocking out DK as much as possible, it really hurts a player who's playstyle is solely based on DK. :)

Oh and about the instant kick from the start; try to get in the way of the ball.
I'm the kinda player who likes beating Kritter with a shitload of shots that require planning and smart strategies. I hate it as well when someone picks DK, who seems to be very popular among spammers and cheap players, and just takes one powerful shot from DK with out passing or whatever, and it goes in my net:mad:!
While on the other hand, when I have possesion of the ball, I take all these powerful shots to Kritter and hardly any go in! :| That pisses me right off, cuz they come outta the game with like a 7 goal lead on me...
I support what BigO was saying...some players need to learn to have more strategy and effort to make the match more interesting.

I mean, sure getting one or 2 goals like that is ok, but it really gets annoying when someone CONSTANTLY does it!:mad:

Petey is another one of those Captains that can do the "on-shot" goal. Bowser is the only Power player I haven't seen do that type of shot yet.

This goes out to all those players taking powerful "on-shot" goals...:
Why do you think they put "Charged" in this game's title...just for kicks?
Wrong, this may be news to you guys, but guess what...You can actually charge the ball and make power shots too ya know:mad:.
So put some strategy in the game, and make it interesting for us ppl who play they game the way it should be played!
the instant kick isn't a sure goal, and like everyone before me seems to have said, just cover DK tightly, make your opponent prove to you that he can score some other way.
Hey Croswenthy,
Wanna add me to Strikers?
I'll give ya a good match!

My Friend Code should be in my signature!

I'll add your code the next time I get online. My name on Strikers is "Jeff", so once you see that name that's me:p.

And yeah I know that the one-shot goal isn't for sure, but it is most of the time...if I had it done up as a ratio Id say it'd go in proably 7 outta 10 times.
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I agree when you complain that people call the "tricksters" cheap, but use DK and only score with him. I don't think, however, that there's something as "cheap" in this game (ok, maybe goal campers).

Anyway, is it just me or there's a growing number of teams made of 3 Boos and DK? I've faced like 4 teams in the last couple of days from different people with that formation. Well, most of them looked like were "training", because I won 3 series 2x0 (and lost the other one 2x1), but they are really anoying.

Most of them pass like crazy and send to DK to score. When DK is knocked down, they try do teleport through Kritter.

They are really fast and hard to defend, but their defense is also very weak (except for DK himself). So is kind of easy to score agains them. But I do agree it is anoying like hell... :)

But, well, I think it's not cheap, it's just part of the game.
Well im a DK user and i don't consider him cheap, i just play good with him. And i don't just use him i also use my 2 boos and dry bones. I'm really good with that team, and people that are good at the game always give me a good match.
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Waluigi is awesome for teleporter goals!

He teleports faster than drybones, and leaves a cool cloud of smoke aswell.

Waluigi FTW!
you don't play good with something. You play well with something. That's why I had the super obvious sarcasm thing going. Oh well, I thought it was funny.
jorgelink said:
yeah my english is good(why do you ask that???) but I can't say the same thing about you.
He was deliberately using incorrect grammar so as to prove a point. He was being sarcastic.

That is why "he ask that" :lol:
Croswenthy said:
you don't play good with something. You play well with something. That's why I had the super obvious sarcasm thing going. Oh well, I thought it was funny.

is the same thing(well, good), it doesn't really matter. And yeah i knew u were being sarcastic, i just played along.

PS: there's a thread hosting a msc us tourney, i suggest u guys join cause it needs more people.
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