Screw the twins theyve done nothing this season except Black eye mass kill and taking forever to cross the border. Hopefully Sylar kills them off - joins up with Peter and Hiro to vs Kensei. That would be nice... 
Also why couldnt Claire regenate after Sylar's got her in first episode? They should define their power better... And seriously, "Kill the cheerleader, Save the show". Every scene with Claire have been painful to watch this season. Glad there is other character to make up for it.
And does no one else think the Little Hiro and Final Kaito Nakamura scene were the greatest scenes in a long time?? Great acting, Amazing Suspence. Thank god for Japanese actors
And yea 2 more episodes
Stupid Writers emoing out because they cant buy their third ferrari.
Also why couldnt Claire regenate after Sylar's got her in first episode? They should define their power better... And seriously, "Kill the cheerleader, Save the show". Every scene with Claire have been painful to watch this season. Glad there is other character to make up for it.
And does no one else think the Little Hiro and Final Kaito Nakamura scene were the greatest scenes in a long time?? Great acting, Amazing Suspence. Thank god for Japanese actors
And yea 2 more episodes