Heroes Season 2

Screw the twins theyve done nothing this season except Black eye mass kill and taking forever to cross the border. Hopefully Sylar kills them off - joins up with Peter and Hiro to vs Kensei. That would be nice... :)

Also why couldnt Claire regenate after Sylar's got her in first episode? They should define their power better... And seriously, "Kill the cheerleader, Save the show". Every scene with Claire have been painful to watch this season. Glad there is other character to make up for it.

And does no one else think the Little Hiro and Final Kaito Nakamura scene were the greatest scenes in a long time?? Great acting, Amazing Suspence. Thank god for Japanese actors

And yea 2 more episodes :( Stupid Writers emoing out because they cant buy their third ferrari.
I loved the scene with young Hiro!

I think they put too many different plots in this season to be honest. WTF is Sylar still doing in the show? I'm hoping next season will be as good as the first.

Oh, and Elle is really annoying. Some of her lines are just too corny! "Can I keep him dad?". Just sounded really dumb IMO.

Lots of criticism! Heroes is still the best TV show though!
JerryC said:
And yea 2 more episodes :( Stupid Writers emoing out because they cant buy their third ferrari.

I guess you don't know any actual writers (Playwright, TV, Film, etc.) huh?

They deserve residuals for any [re]distribution of their content. Period. You've got studios talking about how "Producers, Directors, Distributors" are really going to clean up from new digital sources of delivery - how about the original authors of said produced, directed, distributed work?

You should read some commentary from someone like John August. There are a huge number of "working class" writers - songwriters or novelists deserve royalties, why not the same model.

No, writers aren't a bunch of wealthy, money grubbing whiners - they're the folks who are responsible for the creative material that we all enjoy. If you want to ***** at someone about cutting our Heroes season short, send an email to the Exec Prods of the show who don't want to lose $0.04 on the dollar for internet episodes.

JerryC said:
Screw the twins theyve done nothing this season except Black eye mass kill and taking forever to cross the border. Hopefully Sylar kills them off - joins up with Peter and Hiro to vs Kensei. That would be nice... :)

Also why couldnt Claire regenate after Sylar's got her in first episode? They should define their power better... And seriously, "Kill the cheerleader, Save the show". Every scene with Claire have been painful to watch this season. Glad there is other character to make up for it.

And does no one else think the Little Hiro and Final Kaito Nakamura scene were the greatest scenes in a long time?? Great acting, Amazing Suspence. Thank god for Japanese actors

And yea 2 more episodes :( Stupid Writers emoing out because they cant buy their third ferrari.
Lol I think Claire is a good asset to the show...and not for the reasons you'd think I might think
I guess you don't know any actual writers (Playwright, TV, Film, etc.) huh?

They deserve residuals for any [re]distribution of their content. Period. You've got studios talking about how "Producers, Directors, Distributors" are really going to clean up from new digital sources of delivery - how about the original authors of said produced, directed, distributed work?

You should read some commentary from someone like John August. There are a huge number of "working class" writers - songwriters or novelists deserve royalties, why not the same model.

No, writers aren't a bunch of wealthy, money grubbing whiners - they're the folks who are responsible for the creative material that we all enjoy. If you want to ***** at someone about cutting our Heroes season short, send an email to the Exec Prods of the show who don't want to lose $0.04 on the dollar for internet episodes.

But by doing this they are upsetting 99% of the fan base and probably going to lose whatever audience advantage they might have had, and so their adjusted pay will be whatever pay they were getting before due to the smaller audience.

Lol I think Claire is a good asset to the show


and not for the reasons you'd think I might think

^I don't know...show just wouldn't be right without her...but then again I think the twins are cool too and I don't know why everyone hates them
JerryC said:
But by doing this they are upsetting 99% of the fan base and probably going to lose whatever audience advantage they might have had, and so their adjusted pay will be whatever pay they were getting before due to the smaller audience.

Sorry, that's baseless and not supported by any metrics or research. I mean you don't think that's even marginally accurate do you? I realize it's a way to defend your position, but sometimes you have to belly up to the bar and buy the other guy a drink :lol:

What +is+ accurate is there is a ton of writers who have modest cash flow (and aren't adding even their 1st Ferrari to their non-existent garages) and who *should* be paid residuals on their creative product.

Why wouldn't you support this? Hell, it's in place for plenty of other related industries. Plus it would assist in keeping the talent pool in place during downtimes, more talent on deck, etc., for a small skim off a new revenue model!

I look forward to the writers getting paid what they're do and to the *improvement* in all our favorites shows from the peripheral perks :)

i dont hate anyone in the show, granted some of them are more boring than others,

i think if the show hadnt been cut short, then they would have probably made good use of the twins, and all new characters, but seen as there is only 2 episodes left they seem now like wasted time to me, they cant possibly tie them into the main story in just to episode, although next episode they must be in it a bit, considering sylar is in mohinders office in the Preview.

twins are ok in my books, just get a little boring, as for caitlin the irish girl i liked her to and i hope peter saves her,

the whole hero back in time plots have many many plotholes in the timeline, and if you were to try and figure out what the world they are in now should be like, well thats impossible, to figure out, with hero screwing up the past so many times, but gladly he sees what he has done now..

hopefully these episode will be good and revealing, but im very skepticle due to the fact this series was rumored to be 30 episodes, and if not it would have been at least 20-24, and they have planned every episode so far to fit that episode limit, the story was planned to be more spread out, but now they have to tie it off in 2 more episode, i have a feeling this may feel like a cramoed and rushed series finales
the whole hero back in time plots have many many plotholes in the timeline, and if you were to try and figure out what the world they are in now should be like, well thats impossible, to figure out, with hero screwing up the past so many times, but gladly he sees what he has done now..

what plotholes? everything was resolved
i mean every time he went back he changed something or other, which means that the time there in should be totally different, not so much plotholes
Since there are only 2 episodes left, I bet Sylar is going to die a pretty sudden death. Just after getting back his powers.
daviduk200 said:
i mean every time he went back he changed something or other, which means that the time there in should be totally different, not so much plotholes

I can see what you're saying but I don't think it would change things as dramatically as you think. Except for maybe Hiro running into himself.

I hope sylar doesn't die.
JT. said:
Since there are only 2 episodes left, I bet Sylar is going to die a pretty sudden death. Just after getting back his powers.

According to the, *ahem*, "internal resource" I was able to read, he is/was alive after the mid-season break - though now with the strike and re-writes, I have no idea (I haven't caught up with my source).

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