HD leads for HDTV


WiiChat Member
Dec 9, 2006
Wii Online Code
Main question, does this make alot of difference?

I owned a Wii from release, and ran it on my normal TV, But soon after I sold it (due to lack of games). Now I have purchased a Wii again, and am running it on my HD TV. The graphics to me look slightly muffled, and blurred in places, and Im just wondering if I was to get some Wii HD leads, would it make a difference? (obviously not alot, like Xbox 360 or PS3 games)

Anyone running HD leads?
From what I've gathered; Various TV's, specifically the HDTV series:

The higher the refresh rate and contrast ratio is, the better performance you'll notice on the Graphics. I did, however, upgrade my cables going from the Wii to the TV to the Component cables just so I could use my TV and Wii in its native format. I wouldn't recommend going Widescreen (16:9) format since it may somewhat stretch the screen and your visible playing field will become somewhat distorted as well.

- Spike
^wow ur in toney? im in huntsville and my gf is from toney... you go to sparkman?
oh, i've been thinking about getting them too.
my friend brought his xbox over and hooked it up thru hd. it was so sharp. i didn't even know my tv could make that nice of a picture.

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