Wii + HDTV = CRAP ???

ghghgh14702 said:
my question is I heard somewhere there was going to be monitor out from the Wii direct has anyone heard this official? If so then I can get the progessive scan support without paying an arm and leg.
As far as I know, no. I've said this in a few other threads, but I don't mind saying it again. I contacted Nintendo a while back and asked them the same question and here's their exact response:

The specs I have for Wii indicate that it will have one multi-out port for component, composite, or S-video. If your computer monitor accepts one of these inputs, you should be able to use your computer monitor as the Wii display. Another option is to install a video capture card in your computer. However, the video capture cards often introduce delays with can negatively impact the playability of video games using that method. Most people will have the best results in using Wii with a TV display.

Nintendo of America Inc.
Mike Chandler

So, if your monitor has one of these inputs, you can connect Wii to it.

Hope that helped.:)
I hope the Wii doesn't have blocky lines, but since it's nex-gen i hope it will look almost perfect (probably won't since you can basically see every detail on a 60 inch hdtv)
Or Wincest. That way it's sexy, and it wins ?

Wow... off-topic much ?

My opinion on the HD topic is that the Wii will look great regardless of TV. I've played all my games with composite, and I've always thought it looked great. Only those who have truly experienced HD can see the difference, and might be bothered with it. I hope soon to have a 50" Plasma HDTV ready, and I'll be able to judge how much nicer things look with component. Honestly, HD, SD, ED, VD, QD, ZD, I don't really care. As long as the games look nice for what they're running on, and as long as the gameplay keeps me enthused, which from the looks of it would seem to be the case.

Just enjoy the Wii for what it is; God.
back to the topic, I really think it's due to the size of your telly and I think it's the same for watching TV, so it's better to sit further back. Despite Wii is not HD supported, I still think the graphics is still nice with the graphics upgrade since gamecube.
Sovieto said:
question, are HD TVs flat?

they are all flat screen, if your talkign about flat panel, not all flat panel tvs are hd, but most of them are

and 6-7 ft should be fine, 4 ft is good for a 42 in. plasma

the tv automatically upgrades it to 720p or 1080p depending on what your tv's native display is

and the wii has 480p wich is roughly 2x as good as sd(480p has 854x480 and 480i has half of that, displaying half of it on one frame and the other half on the next)
Well, it will look slightly blury(like mine) until you buy the component cables(like I did).
My gamecube looks beautiful on my hdtv in 480p, the wii will probably look the same. Brought a component cable for the ps2 today and it still sucked sooooo bad...not sure why. But I believe the wii will look great as its based on the gamecube arcitecture. Altho on a 50" screen at that close...
So listen here, and help me with this if anyone can.
I have a 40 inch LCD tv with 720p capabilities.
Whilst playing Zelda: TP, the graphics looked pretty nice with the copmposite cables, but there was significant blur, and overall "shadowiness", and I couldn't tell if that was how the game was just supposed to look or not.
THEN I got the component cables from Nintendo, and the picture is MUCH cleaner, crisper and "high-definition", so it's definitely not intended to be blurry at all....
HOWEVER: There is one significant drawback, atleast as far as I can tell.
Yes, it's clearer and crisper, but now, the resolution lines are MUCH more noticeable. Whenever theres fog or smoke or anything similar, it is obviously made up of horizontal lines which, while thin, are kind of annoying because they seem to stand out so much! So it took all the blur, which obscured the resolution lines, and made it crisp and sharp, which REVEALED the resolution.
So I wonder, it this because the game is being output in 480p, while my TV is 720p?!? so the games resolution cant quite "fill up the TV"?
That's the way it seems, but it's frustrating, because Redsteel doesn't seem to have the lines, atleast not nearly as noticeable as Zelda, but Zelda has better graphics....FTWFT?!
Help me people, I can't be the only one who's niticed these damn lines. :(
turpentine said:
The wii will be the same resolution as a normal DVD.
not high def really, but not a really low def either.

this is also known as EDTV or Enhanced Definition is right in between SDTV and HDTV and is right in the with NTSC and ATSC Video Standards for North America

DarkDepths said:
actually... that would be untrue as dvd video goes through an mpeg 4 compression. I would assume that the games would not be compressed as that would be a horrible waste of power! In other words... the wii will be able to output higher quality picture to the tv.

DVD's like posted after this Do use MPEG 2 Video Compression. Games do not use MPEG compression of any kind since they are not Video the the same sense. Cut Scenes in Games will likly be DVD based MPEG2 video.

m7ticalm said:
MPEG2, im sure. MPEG2 is hell ownage quality, i think MPEG4 is like mobile phone quality.

All MPEG Formats are scalable in Quality using bitrates

MPEG 4 is much newer than MPEG 2 and you are correct some mobile Devices use MPEG 4 but not because of the quality being crap (good enough for a mobile screen)

MPEG 4 is very compressed and scalable and can actually contain Video Quality in HDTV that is hard to notice any compression and due to the compression is much smaller in size.

This is what makes it perfect for Mobile Devices often with very limited memory capabilities.
Rajveer said:
My gamecube looks beautiful on my hdtv in 480p, the wii will probably look the same. Brought a component cable for the ps2 today and it still sucked sooooo bad...not sure why. But I believe the wii will look great as its based on the gamecube arcitecture. Altho on a 50" screen at that close...

I got Component for my PS2 thinking "the PS2 isnt capable of High Def but on my 30" HDTV it made a tremendous difference in Image Quality

Image Quality perceived my the person who makes that decision based off what they see. I may say it looks great and someone may disagree and to each of us we are right..to us anyways
Transfixed said:
So listen here, and help me with this if anyone can.
I have a 40 inch LCD tv with 720p capabilities.
Whilst playing Zelda: TP, the graphics looked pretty nice with the copmposite cables, but there was significant blur, and overall "shadowiness", and I couldn't tell if that was how the game was just supposed to look or not.
THEN I got the component cables from Nintendo, and the picture is MUCH cleaner, crisper and "high-definition", so it's definitely not intended to be blurry at all....
HOWEVER: There is one significant drawback, atleast as far as I can tell.
Yes, it's clearer and crisper, but now, the resolution lines are MUCH more noticeable. Whenever theres fog or smoke or anything similar, it is obviously made up of horizontal lines which, while thin, are kind of annoying because they seem to stand out so much! So it took all the blur, which obscured the resolution lines, and made it crisp and sharp, which REVEALED the resolution.
So I wonder, it this because the game is being output in 480p, while my TV is 720p?!? so the games resolution cant quite "fill up the TV"?
That's the way it seems, but it's frustrating, because Redsteel doesn't seem to have the lines, atleast not nearly as noticeable as Zelda, but Zelda has better graphics....FTWFT?!
Help me people, I can't be the only one who's niticed these damn lines. :(

Likely cause is Zelda is not a "fully compliant 480p" title and component cables are "brining out the jaggy's" on your shiny HDTV one suggestion try turning your sharpness controls down on your TV set while playing the game. you shouldn't need to blur it too much just enough to "smooth" out the jaggy's

Even though you find the Zelda graphics are better than Red Steel's that does not mean that Zelda is higher resolution than Red Steel.

just like another post here in these forums

a crappy movie in HD is still a crappy movie! this also applies to games.

Red Steel may be running better resolution and been rendered better than Zelda but the designers paid more attention to certain details in Zelda that may have been ignored in Red Steel that contribute to your opinion in graphic quality.

Personally I think the two games are not even comparable in terms of graphics

Zelda is very cartoonish in appearance and still looks great (although on my HDTV it too is a bit burry with the included cables havent gotten component yet)

Red Steel Looks like its trying to look a bit more "photo realistic" in its artisic approach I think the graphics are pretty decent too, not my style but in stills look pretty darn good.

even though you may
Wii + HDTV

I don't think the Wii will necessarily look like crap on your HDTV, but it depends on two things:

1. Your connection between the Wii and the TV
2. Your TV

First and most important is the connection you use. I believe the Wii comes with a composite cable (two audio and one video channel, red/white/yellow). Using these cables, the Wii probably won't look any better than standard definition TV. However, you can buy a set of component cables (three video channels, YPbPr, plus two audio channels). This connection is capable of carrying the full 480p data stream from the Wii. This is step one...

Next, if your TV is newer, it should upscale the 480p signal quite well to it's native display (720p, 768p, or 1080p).

Now, it won't look like the Xbox or PS3 HD output, but the Wii is more about the experience of gameplay rather than output resolution.