lookin' to buy Wii ... HD???


WiiChat Member
Feb 10, 2008

Just some help please. Was on E bay looking to buy a Wii and one guy has that his game is "HD". No one else advertises that in the sales on Ebay. Are all Wii HD??? I have a 46" LCD TV. Will "HD" make a difference.

Thanks for all of your help

the dog
There is no Wii that is HD, the highest they go is 480p in the 16:9 ratio. By todays standards thats ED.
just tryin to scam you outta ur good hard earned money, lets snipe that guy.
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You youngsters are the best.... coming from a 49 year-old dude.

Take care, the dog
There is no such thing as a Wii HD, unless you buy a Component Cable and it will allow you to view it at 480p :yesnod:

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