Has anyone unlocked Petey?

Is Neil the only person here who has completed Striker Cup?

Im dreading Extreme mode becuase the Normal Striker Cup is so hard! I beat 99% of people online but i struggle beating Petey! Ive got to Petey about 5 times, ive won one of series like twice but can never win the Series.

I just cant beleive how hard it is!
I've finally finished on extreme mode and i didnt even get anything extra for completing it like wtf. That was a waste of time. lol :D
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you've finished the Strikers Cup on extreme???
WTF! You should destroy everything in your path online.
these threads make me so ANNNNGRRY!!! for petey's sake, I can't freakin' wait for Strikers to come out in the US. someone wanna send me a chip and a UK version of the game? :O
NjD00 said:
these threads make me so ANNNNGRRY!!! for petey's sake, I can't freakin' wait for Strikers to come out in the US. someone wanna send me a chip and a UK version of the game? :O
Now you feel our pain, except almost every game is release in the U.S before us :(
I haven't even defeated Diddy, let alone reach the Striker Cup. I haven't even got through to the series against him either. Still practising and improving though. :D
NjD00 said:
these threads make me so ANNNNGRRY!!! for petey's sake, I can't freakin' wait for Strikers to come out in the US. someone wanna send me a chip and a UK version of the game? :O

what i got to say is live with it for god sake its not hard you get all the other games before us imagine how we feel
I'm still stuck on the striker cup too i havn't even got to petey yet. I havn't played it in a while because of the anger it makes me feel, playing the computer is so unfair and i do't want to smash my wiimote up the wall again for the 50th time.

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