Has anyone had problems when downloading games to the Wii via the shopchannel?


Got Wii?
Dec 7, 2006
Wii Online Code
I was wondering if anyone has had a failed attempt to download a game to the Wii. I've downloaded three with Wi points in the past with no problems but now I'm trying to download Super Mario Bros and the download is taking forever. The part where mario runs across the screen and hits the blocks has stopped but yet it still says its downloading even though 15 minutes or so has has passed by. The previous games downloaded in a matter of a minute or two. I tried pressing the home button on the Wiimote but it does nothing.
I was wondering if turning off the Wii would cause me to lose my Wii points without a successful download of the game. I mean its only five bucks but hey it would suck to lose the Wii points just to have another failed attempt and lose 500 Wii points again. :idea:
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Nevermind I just turned the power off and on and it did finish downloading even though it said it was still downloading and wouldnt allow me to do anything. Gotta love technology lol.:thumbsup:

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