Graphics Sub-section Petition!

ssbb_lover said:
Ahh, I see now. ^^

30 members. :)

Just thought of another idea, maybe everyone could give this thread a 5 star rating? That way i0n would be like, "WOAH!" :)

Only 30 members??? Kinda low... it's good tought, but we need more...

EDIT* Let's rate it then.
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  • #107
demonflair said:
Only 30 members??? Kinda low... it's good tought, but we need more...
Not bad for the amount of time we've had.
ssbb_lover said:
Not bad for the amount of time we've had.

Considering the fact that there are a lot of ppl with sig images on this forum, and showned interested by their and others work, this should be a non-stop posting thread...:ihih:
I think it should be noted by Italics AND bold members with 3 rep bars lol. That'd be me and TLC only I believe.
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  • #115
Brawny said:
I think it should be noted by Italics AND bold members with 3 rep bars lol. That'd be me and TLC only I believe.



I'll think of something, check up back at the OP within the next 5 minutes. Oh, and awesome Zarogan. :D


OP updated.
Last edited:
Hey you have.....anywhere else to talk....I am not trusted.....and this place is slow...... Got gmail? want one?
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  • #117
Brawny said:
Hey you have.....anywhere else to talk....I am not trusted.....and this place is slow...... Got gmail? want one?

Lol, you sound like a drug dealer. :/

You're not trusted?....anyways, I would love to talk more and somewhere else (I agree this place is SLOW, then again it's a forum) Don't have gmail, maybe I want one? But I have to go for tonight. I'll talk to you tomorrow man. :)

I might even release my sig. :yikes: (not as good as I originally though :()
Brawny said:
I think it should be noted by Italics AND bold members with 3 rep bars lol. That'd be me and TLC only I believe.

um... what does that have to with this thread? and, who cares?

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