Graphics Sub-section Petition!

Haha, made this one just messin around.

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  • #137
coleman said:
Haha, made this one just messin around.

Lol, if I didn't suggest the gun and if you didn't say anything about the blood, I would have no idea what the hell that is. :/
Ha ha ha...I got a great fractal brush that looks like blood spatter on the wall when overlayed
meh....why are all my thrown together ones animated?


here's a funny pic I saw while looking for a puppy pic too...

Edit: forgot to set initial frame to show for 2 seconds
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We have big names.

We have respected members.

we have a petition.

we have pictures.

what more do we need ion to convince you?
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  • #149
Cpt.McCloud said:
We have big names.

We have respected members.

we have a petition.

we have pictures.

what more do we need ion to convince you?
I swear, I don't know. xD I can't wait to send that PM. :) Just a little longer...3 more members and a few more "Wiichat GFX Thread" sigs. :D
I'm tired now so il make a sig tomorrow.

i havnt used that photoshop yet. . .

i my comp was been very loud and slow so i decied to stall getting photo shop untill saturday when i have some spare time :)

im ok just found arc photobase

only a few names off people :)

we want to show ion our hungry hungry demand!

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