Graphics Sub-section Petition!

Cpt.McCloud said:
We have big names.

We have respected members.

we have a petition.

we have pictures.

what more do we need ion to convince you?

I obviously have a big name and a well respected member on this site :lol:
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demonflair said:

I even can see you in the sky, because you're so big... jk

Lol, its true!

Update: Edited my post before this
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Right, scratch my post, cant make sig today. . . to busy the going out!

ion has gotta 'listen to his heart because he knows it so true and its ment to be so listen to your heart!'
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Cpt.McCloud said:
Right, scratch my post, cant make sig today. . . to busy the going out!

ion has gotta 'listen to his heart because he knows it so true and its ment to be so listen to your heart!'
Yes, i0n and I are one.....intertwined into the cosmos, hearing each other souls and minds.....both wanting a GFX section!!! i0n will be getting a message once we get 2 more members, and at least 1 more sig, preferably one with puppies being threatened. :)

I'm also going to make a poem. :/
ryt form now on i shall name you ty the tasmanian tiger. . .

ty the tasmainian tiger wants a gfx thread
if we dont, the floors will be stained red
and you'll find the odd puppys head

gfx is now needed to get this place clean
so please dont be mean
be a little lean!

that happy little chick wanted a sig
didnt know where to post!
while looking she got ate by a pig!

ion ion, oh great lord
we are you loyal hord
give us what we want please
we will get down on our knees!

GFX sub section please :)
no, found a picture on internet, editted, put in black bit and text, tried to add a truce because the puppy looked odd.

not proper only a edit.
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Heh, here's my contribution. :)


It doesn't matter that it sucks, it's the message. :)

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