Goldeneye 'Official Friend code" exchange.

My FC is 3888-5789-9966. My in-game name is catbutt. Feel free to add me but let me know when you do. Thanks.
Hey catbutt we have played mine name is JamesBond007, add me please

My FC is 2415-5311-5039
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i have catbutt he cant be glitch me shadow james and catbutt play together but he left me and ill be on remeber guys when there are more than 5 players go do a classic conflic and we will join
jamesbond if you cant find one just quite and try again since us 3 are online

i think we have slow connection
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True I think so tooI think if their is three players then it is harder to get into a game
yup but playing classic conflic was actualy fun i was letting bestboy225 kill me since he was low level and when hes on do that but not to much
Lol sonic was it you and I who played classic together. I don't know I played it with IGN jamesbond007, we played a game of four, and I was going along 11-4 then all the sudden im 12-12 and the other two players f****** teamed up, didn't even realize it they were standing there together just spamming mines and sniper in industry and top of the hill. I was like what is going on why am I sucking all the sudden so bad. Didn't realize I was playing 2v1 the whole time. Otherwise never seen someone get that many head shots on me faster then I can head shot someone.
man i dont know if it was you but i can tell you shadow and jamesbond007 left us and i was like NO COME BACK PLEASE and then i think did you leave but im not shure but i reach lv 41 because of that i only needed 10xp left i was like heck yea but hey get online im bored here

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