Goldeneye 'Official Friend code" exchange.

Ill add you stained. Might be on for an hour tonight. That or I should probably finish my work but wth I need a break. If anyone wants to chat while playing pm me. I think it would be a great way to play and own newbs

Hey I am just letting everyone know that after my meeting in 2 hours I will be on. My FC is 1823-6092-1214 Please pm me and add me and give me your FC if you have not. Also I would like to use either skype google chat, or something to talk while playing, if not as always its fine, but anyone who is willing there is a british team that is going to be on and they will be talking so wouldn't mind some compeititon, they suck but since they communicate well they do better then they are. Let me know if you are down. Some chat options take up low bandwidth too so you won't lag, and there is always chat via phone app too, that doesn't take internet or privacy
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Hey guys come online me catbutt and kingshadow are onlineNew in-game name is (K2)Bond007Sonic I got your message and my reply is yes

I am going to to be up until 11:30 to 12:00 so if anyone wants to play me come on
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Add me everyone 5047-3684-2425 And try to send me yours as well. I'm Oscar[E7]
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