Goldeneye 'Official Friend code" exchange.

shadow i add you but your never online

King and James sorry that we cant find a game and james what are you trying to do if you tell me i may just do what you say or can yall both add each other
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Dear god the mrs is cranky today. I added you sonic and HHS, sometimes when I play with people it lags a lot I have no reason, or skips and I end up sucking because of it, happened with mr white earlier. So if you see me dying and I leave its cause of lag. Currently working on it so I should have it figured out shortly.

I will be on in about 5-10 minutes of this post.
I know its FC thread, but just posting im down to play after lunch. Also since the most people read this there is a new hacker at least as far as I know. His IGN is something like M Balkero or something like that, or form of spelling, think first word has 2 letters. His hack was everytime someone spawned they died to his melee. He went 25-0 all melee and won then game in I think it was 9 seconds. So keep an eye out for him and if you find his real name let us know so we can send it to wii to block his IP address.
HHS and dots, I'll add you both when I'm on tomorrow. Dots, you may want to post that stuff over in the GE game forum. There is already a thread open for hackers.
thanks ill look for that hey if there are more than 4 players im going to play classic conflic so just join me if you can and and jamesbond007 when playing heros you dont always be the hero cheack if they are high level and see if they are good because they can win easaly

im also online if i dont asnwer wait for me ill try to finish the match
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Going online now, my FC is to the left under avator, except the last 4 0000s feel free to add me, bakura and hannibal I added you both. FYI to all, I am playing using sigmus ak 47 and sly, so i apologize if i get crappy records like 10-8 etc like I have been, just trying to finish all my profeciencies and they do so little damage lol only head shots kill.
I'll add you then, let me know what your FC is so I can. Me and shadow too supposedly will be on at 10:30 PST I believe. Going to eat dinner and do traffic school until, feel free to join us. Working my way up very slowly to rank 52 :) I almost prefer remote mines as opposed to proximity :) more challenging and rewarding clicking a button to kill someone
nice so like at 11:30 (central time for me) ill be waiting for yall 2 i reach lv 40and need a bit more till level 41 (cant wait) so ill be on and hopefully i can lv up
I swear it takes forever. Some games I even get 1200 exp but some it's only like 250 350 and omg I get so many host leaves. Just had that happen lost 8 minutes of my time and 700 exp. I was very mad. If anyone else adds me let me know or if you added me and can't see me pm. So I can remember
My FC is 3888-5789-9966. My in-game name is catbutt. Feel free to add me but let me know when you do. Thanks.

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