Goldeneye 'Official Friend code" exchange.

I have found my friend code! Come to my profile and tell me your fc with the vistitor message. My fc is on the visitor message.
Hey, new to GE online... need some peeps to play with.

PooChooTrain is the name right now.

Add me at the FC under my name:wiifit:

Hi, everyone! I have Goldeneye and I am kind of new to it, because I am at level 18. Even though my low ratings, I love to play! Please add me as a friend, my FC is 410574364798. My screen tag is NARWHALBACON. Thank you!:burgerking:
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My FC is: 021880218568 My gamer tag is LukeM17.
I have added: doodoobomb, NARWHAL and styfishhaw
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You guys shouldn't be adding people unless you know that they'll add you back. That's how you get glitched spots on your friend roster.

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