Goldeneye 'Official Friend code" exchange.

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I've been a baaad boy. So u should friend me
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Wassup, lookin for a crew. Must be good and NOT use shotguns.Username:KingofPosersAgent Code:256642765656 I am Lvl 47 and can rail.Never use shotguns.
hey im lvl 56 and i go by 00 To4$t/MG. My fc is 4517-6367-6208. pm me urs and ill add u back. im also thinking of making my own clan so pm me if interested.
I added you, add me pleaseUsername:KingofPosers Agent code: 256642765656I hope you don't use shotgunsLevel:47I rail with any weapon, mainly sniper. Just DON'T use shotgun please.
Mod Edit: Please keep all non-Friend Code talk in visitor messages or private messages.

sry karp
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Yeah peoples, I'm back! You will have to pm me for my friend code becuase i'm very forgetful.
@fleepic30a i remember playing with you before, username Phantom007, don't know friend code, but will add yours, to anyone else i'll post my friend code here soon... cya...
ok, my goldeneye friend code is 4898-0544-5910

p.s. visitor message me if you want to be a friend with your fc and username...
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been a bit since ive posted, i dunno what level i am, but add me to plaaaaayyyyy, im previously a level 56 but started over

*side note: anyone see this site slowly going the way of the buffalo with miiverse on wii-u? its freaking awesome btw

my fc and info is in the signature, let me know if you add me!
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