Goldeneye 'Official Friend code" exchange.

Soooo I got my Wii back but all the data was lost.. which means no GE data and all profiles deleted soo I need your friend codes sent to me asap! Time to start over :(
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Soooo I got my Wii back but all the data was lost.. which means no GE data and all profiles deleted soo I need your friend codes sent to me asap! Time to start over :((
When I sent my wii in it came back with all of my data. Shame, well time to ask Kira so u don't have to spend 3 months leveling up again
Soooo I got my Wii back but all the data was lost.. which means no GE data and all profiles deleted soo I need your friend codes sent to me asap! Time to start over :((
I would but he doesn't do any xp matches for goldeneye anymore lol pisses me off. At least I saved every message from everyone who pm me with their fc. So maybe that counts for something.
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I had to send it to CA too. The cost for me was $75+tax and mail total was $82

I got jewed.....grrr

ok New FC: 010-899-665-574 I'll be messaging most of you.
The Gamer Tag will be SniperBait just as the last one. So make sure and delete my old profile before adding the new one!
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