Goldeneye 'Official Friend code" exchange.

hey gang. I'm pretty new to the Wii version of Goldeneye, and i'm not very experienced in the MP side of the game, but nonetheless, i'm looking for some people to play with. I'm currently level 4, and i'm not the greatest at FPS, but i'm getting there! haha. my fc is 001734452579, and my tag is xBONESx. I'll probably get around to adding a few people who posted here recently later on.
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added you cozi edvolution and edgeforlif

added punkerdan and luigix
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I actually have no-one... :O If I could have a few "friends", I would appreciate it. :smile2:

My FC is: 369939571107 ... and I go by NIGHTMARE on there. If you add me, please let me know so that I can return the favor.
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Looking for friends to play with. I play under My Buzz, my friend code is 085107445011.

Looking to team up with others. My screen name is My Buzz. My friend code is 085107445011

Added u to friend list. I think I have seen u on there. I am level 25 now. Need to get better at this. Let's kill some!

Not even sure what double-posting means... Sorry...
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On Single Awareness day, I should be back online! BAM!!! Get ready GE, I have a lot of aggression to take out on you... =)

oh yeah, PM me if you add me and let me know which account of mine you added. Info is in Signature...

bring it!
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