Goldeneye 'Official Friend code" exchange.

My FC: 4788-6569-5556 ,
Im online on Goldeneye at the moment
Tell me if you want me to add you.

Add me 4788-6569-5556

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I added you WCJASON. My friend code is 278174258585
Thanks ill check my invites

My name isn't [WC]Jason anymore it is Agent 99

And sorry if i triple posted sorry to offend you and totally ruin your day (not) i like never post here so just bear with me

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I'm about to go online, anyone up for a team, let me know asap. I'm on my SniperBait account. Info is in signature =)

oh and popcorn, I've added you to the same account I'm currently on

and one more thing...anyone wanna fill me in as to why I have 4 people with the same name, "Lag Ruins me" WTF is up with that?
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Hi guys

I am looking to play goldeneye with more people so my friend code is 415 249 056 355. So reply back and add me as a friend.
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Okay, you should only post once. If you want to add stuff just edit your post.

And save questions like joining clans to PMs, or post on their clan thread.

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