Goldeneye 'Official Friend code" exchange.

i'm not that good. i am a legit level 52, my son and I split the account. i'm adding you guys now, I look forward to putting the crunk on you. i have not been on here in a while, bu if you want some, add me and send a pm.
Hey everybody Add me pm me your fc if youve added me so i will know to add you
mine name is: 911Assassin
and my FC is: 2362-6380-9579
hello guys! just joined wii chat and looking to level up!! i am currently a level 36, want to play with a good squad. friend code is 153936371547, id: FlyHunter. Want strata so please help me level up...hellppppp!!!!:yesnod:
Added some people, trying to level drumhead and talon in my loadouts. Always appreciate those with anovas and stratas leaving their toys around.
lvl 40
FC 001 272 912 471

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Haven't been on in a while, but pm me and let me know if you add me. Always looking for new face to team up with, or kill :)

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