Goldeneye hate about something topic

Since you brought it up, what's with people quitting right before the end of a match?! I mean seriously...if you are gonna lose, take it like a man! And don't give me that "Oh my wii froze crap..." We all know it only freezes when you are winning mid-game by more than 5 points, about to win, or when the scoreboard comes up! I lose respect for players that do this, and I have seen a LOT of good players do this lately...hmmm Exit out or turn off your wii in-lobby, not in-game!
If you're referring to me last night, I turned it off because I thought I had to leave, but I didn't actually have too. Also, I'll leave games if I'm not having fun, regardless of how I was doing in that game, because, plain and simple, I play this game for fun, and not because of how other people might view me in game.

PS- If you're going to call somebody out, try not to be so passive aggressive about it.
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I don't always get host quits, but when I do, It's probably my fault. But some kind of in game record of each individual players Host quits might make it better to avoid sore losers.
Playing too well for their liking, dominating them within the first few minutes, too many proxy/masty kills(when I feel that they need it) winning by too great of a margin. Mostly anything that does not result in the hosts certain victory will occasionally cause them to rage quit.
You can't blame yourself for being too good,lol. It's the host's fault for quitting, and not being able to handle your awesomeness!:D
The most dreaded thing about GE is Host Quit & Lagging consistently because of the host. Host Quit is really stupid and there is no need for it at all. If the host of the lobby does quit then his/her XP should be taken away instead of all the players inside having to lose lots of XP because of that one host. Lagging is absolutely dreadful on GE. I just played a game on TC on the Jungle map and it was such an awful game but I still won in the end :).
Well, it's porbably already mentioned but the bleeping Wii-Freeze this game causes is rather hateful as well.
I went a 40/10 run, whilst completing the last proficiencies of the SLY(shotgun whith no range at all) and the Torka.
The gathered exp was not to laugh at either. But when the game was done, my wii froze up...
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That sucks. I was playing the other day on my second account and during it I was beasting so hard my wii kicked me off and couldn't read the disc...(still happening). I wonder my 33-3 on TC blew my systems mind xD.
Well, it's porbably already mentioned but the bleeping Wii-Freeze this game causes is rather hateful as well.
I went a 40/10 run, whilst completing the last proficiencies of the SLY(shotgun whith no range at all) and the Torka.
The gathered exp was not to laugh at either. But when the game was done, my wii froze up...

Yeah happens to me all the time. I think the issue is some missing packages and/or it's probably a technical difficulty.
I hate the amount of xp it takes to level up, like once you make it to level 50 you still have like 1/3 of the way left to go. 10,000 xp is next to nothing in this game.
Some other annoying things about GE is that:
  • on heroes it's so easy to accidentally become a hero. I've done this so many times, but most of the time I'll spawn a hero anyway unless my team is dying horribly, so it's just a minor annoyance.
  • People that stick proxies at spawn points.
  • And also when someone at level 20 or above still uses noobtubes.