Getting a 30 Streak in GE

Have any of you who have gotten 30-streaks been using one of the starter weapons like the Sigmus, AK, or Sig9 (Koopa in particular, since he's talked about how comfortable he is with the Sig9)?

Kev - what is your high streak now? I'm at lvl 35 and have only managed a 13 streak for my high. Slowly getting better at streaking, but still a long way off from a 30. Definitely appreciated the input from a while back, it's been a big help in building strategy.
I've only managed a 22. I'm not too concerned with streaks. I think chance has a whole lot to do with it. All it takes is someone spawning at the right place at the right time and you're screwed.
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I've had 55 in a row before...a 30-0 conflict game on docks immediately followed by running off 25 more kills to start the next game of conflict on memorial before someone finally killed me. But since kill-streaks don't cross games, it still says 31 is my current kill streak record.
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Yeah, this doesn't happen often...40-0 team effort...

40-0 4-23-13.jpg
@Bakura, yes i got a 30 streak with the sigmus9.
Whilst lower lvls you often get/got put into lower lvl lobbies so the competition lvl was actually easier.
Not with the regular sigmus though. The AK-47 seems more doable 'but your best bet would be playing as Ouromov)

@Tampa and co congratz.
I got a 30 streak on outpost the other day. I stayed within and around the walls of the main building complex for the entirety of the game. Went from silenced strata to picking up someone's ak47, then ran out of bullets with that and finished off with an anova.
I've been playing about 2 weeks and I've gotten the 10 streak about 8 times and then I die. Sometimes I feel like I got more than 10 but my record says 10, unless it doesn't count any more until you've reach the next milestone. I'm somewhat new but I go through periods of dominating even level 56's. I hate those ****s with proximity mines and Master w/e it i called. 2 proxies = 2 kills straight off the bat.
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I hate those ****s with proximity mines and Master w/e it i called. 2 proxies = 2 kills straight off the bat.

1) Yes, people who only ever use Masterton are cheap.
2) Having prox is generally a "cheap" advantage. But having them and knowing how and when to use them effectively are two totally different things. I've found over time, particularly in conflict, that I prefer the ext mag gadget to any mines. I've found that I can usually kill 2 people shooting faster than I can take the time to pull out and throw a mine, and then pull my gun back out.

For me, one of the most satisfying kills is when you get to blow away some dumb schmuck who you catch with their pants down - frantically trying to deploy a proxy or reload the masty. The best is when you can melee-kill a masty spammer when they are reloading! Funny as hell. That's definitely a "tea-bag" situation! :lol:

I always thought that you should earn bonus xp for taking down opponents certain ways....

For example:
Kill a hero via melee: 100xp
Kill a masty user via melee: 50xp
Shoot a deployed proxy and kill its user: 75xp

Something like that^
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I no longer have a loadout with proxy or with the masteron. For the longest time i kept one as payback for the spammers.
Now i just roll with either strata+ RTM(smaller maps) or Hicap(bigger map) or on rare occasions with one of my ivana loadouts.
(3 Strata, 2 Ivana, i'm thinking of removing my lasered ivana with a sniper)
I've never really used a laser. What does it actually do?
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The laser points at stuff. Really! It does! The bullets go where your laser is pointing! Swear to God! 100% of the time! I know, right?! :yikes: