Geometry Wars NiceGuy Review


WiiChat Member
Oct 18, 2007
New Jersey
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Geometry Wars - Mr.NiceGuy Review

Here is the review that I posted over at IGN for Geometry Wars (Wii)...
I don't like 'number reviews' so it is a little long... I apologize
Well I will start this review as I always do. I'll give you a breakdown of my perspective relative to this game so you know where I am coming from. Geometry Wars was the first 'arcade' game I downloaded from Xbox Live well over a year ago. I grew immensely addicted to this title for its simple yet chaotic gameplay and that was only one level. It is basically a fast paced shooter that uses the overhead view and dual analog sticks to control your ship and its fire.

Now here we are with a full fleshed out game created from that basic structure, as well as a faithful port of the original. It keeps the simple yet chaotic gameplay and just tweaks certain rules or enemies to create 64 different worlds. I am very impressed with how much this changes the gameplay and encourages the player to modify and adapt their play styles. The gravity in some of the worlds is insane by itself let alone throwing in 'modified' wormholes and enemies surfin around.

There are two big changes that really help keep the gameplay dynamic and challenging. The first seems simple but it keeps me on my toes while playing. After shooting enemies, they leave behind a geom that you need to fly by to pick up. This can cause you to constantly rush and advance the enemies while ripping through them as well as backtrack to pick up missed geoms. The geoms can be used to upgrade the other big change, the drone. This is a nice simple drone that you can upgrade to perform certain tasks for you like attacking, defending, collecting geoms, etc.

I am also glad that the developers decided to add a galaxy just for the multiplayer section. They have a simple 'classic' world that you can jump in quickly and they also have a whole galaxy full of different worlds for you and your buddy to rip apart together.The online scoreboards are a great way to keep you motivated to beat your best score and creep up the high score list. There are separate scoreboards for every world which works out great.

Also the graphics and gameplay really match the original game dead on. I was originally worried when I saw some screenshots and videos of this game. It didn't look like what I was used to on Xbox Live but I got the game anyway. I can clear any worries that you might have, this game looks perfect and runs very smooth. I was very surprised at how good it looked especially compared to my assumptions from online pics and videos.

The only bad things I can find in this game are pretty minor. The biggest one is probably the classic controller dual analog sticks being slightly too close to each other. I am learning to use the tips of my thumbs instead of the flat parts to avoid this issue so its not that bad. Also the wiimote works as a control method but it will take a lot of practice. When it starts to get really crazy it can be hard to keep the precise control of your aiming but it's still fun. The only other small issue I have is with the user interface. I like the galaxy idea and layout but you can't use any IR function which is minor but an easy touch that would make 'surfing the galaxy' easier.

In conclusion, if you liked Geometry Wars at all or like classic shooter games (Super Smash TV, R-Type, Gradius, etc.) then I would highly recommend you buy or rent this game. The amazingly addictive gameplay will suck you in and the large amount of worlds that can play very different at times as well as the online scoreboards will keep you motivated and playing this game for a long time.
8.0 Presentation
They did a nice job of using the galaxy concept to expand the game but keep it simple at the same time. The only bad part here is the lack of IR control in the world selection screen.
8.0 Graphics
Very simple by design but it works especially since there can be tons of stuff going on at once. The frame rate was silky smooth and it looks great in motion, the pictures don't do it justice.
8.5 Sound
Nice mix of techno which fits with the game. The sound effects are used to alert you of which enemies are spawning on the screen. Good idea from the original so its good to see it still utilized.
8.7 Gameplay
One of the best shooters for the next-gen systems. It combines amazingly fast and addictive gameplay with an upgradeable drone and multiplayer over tons of worlds with different rules and enemies.
8.8 Lasting Appeal
64 worlds with online scoreboards and a multiplayer section. It's a great game to just pick up and play for 15 minutes or a couple hours. All classic shooter fans will be pleased.
8.6 OVERALL (out of 10 / not an average)
good reviews, but you should PM syntax because there was rumors about a review thread coming up and maybe you could be a regular and submit them to him. PS monster lab looks so sick doesn't it?
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hmmm interesting, i guess i should investigate that thread...
and yes Monster Lab looks SICK :)
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thanks zapasant... I plan to start writing reviews for all the Wii games that I have which are quite a few :)
It gives me something to do during work... heheh
Good review, I've been looking into this game for some time now. Do you think it's worth the $40 price tag?
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thank you all for the feedback...
YES PacMan, I would actually pay normal game price ($50) for this game and still be happy :)
Keep in mind that I love shooter games

If anyone has any suggestions for future reviews, let me know.
I am starting to like writing reviews :lol:
Well one suggestion is: add some pictures to spice it up. Its a long and "dry" read now. Try spicing it up with some purty pictures

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