Geometry Wars: Galaxies


WiiChat Member
Oct 21, 2007
I purchased Geometry Wars: Galaxies and a Classic Controller today!!!

Awesome game!!! I loved Geometry Wars on Xbox, but this is much better. It has the original Evolved game, but the Wii game is huge. It has 60 planets instead of one level like the original.

You have a secondary drone that can be powered up with different weapons and powers like Gradius. But these powers can each be leveled with Geoms that you collect. You unlock other solar-systems and planets with Geoms.

Like the Xbox game, this version has leaderboards and online support. But the coolest new feature is co-op!!!

At $40.00 this game should be in any shooter-fan's collection. And don't make the mistake of thinking that you are paying 8x the price of a $5 XBLA game. This game has at least 20x the content of the original game.

i've been considering getting that.
I can't decide - its a tie between geometry wars, mario galaxy, and MP3
Yes I want this game to, but there are also so many others that my money could be used on. Plus I don't have a classic controller so I'd have to use the Wii Remote set up, which apparently isn't as good. Nice to see you enjoy it though. :)
Geometry Wars was one of the first games i got for the 360 and fell in love with it. My friends and I played it for than any other game for the first few months of the 360 and will be picking this one up. This game is hours of fun and drives you nuts at the same time. Recommended.
For some reason, this game is being sold for the same price as Galaxy ($49.99) at the couple of places I went to here in Canada. My plan is to wait until the price drops before I buy it.
It's getting good reviews. Considering getting it for Christmas. Good to hear you like it.
I saw this yesterday, and I thought it looked a little werid. Then again, it got great reviews, so I might get this later in the year or next year..
I would wait for Geo Wars to drop in price. To drop 50 bucks on this makes no sense to me ( considering i downloaded it from the Xbox Live marketplace for like 10 bucks or whatever). This game will go down in price and probably become on of those "Arcade Classic" games , if Wii decides to do that stuff.
Again, great game just WAY overpriced for this !!
My highscore is 1.3

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