Scarface NiceGuy mini review

Yeah I'm curious how this compares to Godfather. I too have amassed a few games now that I have to finish. But Godfather was is my list since there are a ton of people on wiichat who speak highly of it. It's cool to hear scarface is good too. I probably won't get both though. Still leaning toward godfather at the moment, unless mr.niceguy can change my mind.
I can help change your mind. Ok. Godfather all the shops which you have to take over are EXACTLY the same. There are like 5 different layouts and those layouts make up all of the like 100 shops in the area.

Godfather is old, limited to i think 8 guns
Godfather no AK 47s lol
Godfather no boats
Godfather no drugs runs
Godfather no henchmen who dont die within one milllisecond
Godfather no shooting from cars/boats
Godfather no chainsaw
Godfather missions boring and dull
Godfather no races
Godfather no driver to get you your car, you have to steal one
Godfather as soon as you are being chased by the cops you go to a safehouse and you are clean.... DULL
Godfather fewer guns than Scarface
Godfather no upgrades apart from guns
Godfather can't buy exotic cars and boats

Enough said???!
Part of what appeals to me about godfather is the fact that it is godfather. Scarface seems so over the top. Violence can be fun and all, but peeing on people isn't really my cup of tea.

Some of those things on that list do push me toward Scarface for sure. But for anyone who has seen the movie, I can't get the picture of the chainsaw in the guys head out of my head. I'll have to rent them both I suppose.
The "LOSE THE COPS!" sequence in Scarface is terrible. For those of you who don't know about it, I'll try to explain. You have a meter around your minimap that, when filled, will have cops all over you. As soon as it hits maximum capacity, you'll see "LOSE THE COPS!" flash across the screen. Multiple police cars will race after you, a la GTA or Godfather, but with a slight twist. To actually get away from the cops, you have to get a certain distance from them. Each car is in the center of a flashing red and blue circle, and if you are inside that "danger zone" at any time, it will keep the police on you. Also, you have a very limited time to escape; when the sequence begins, your police attention meter will begin to steadily fill with red. If it fills up and you haven't lost the cops, you will be inserted into a 100% unavoidable deathtrap. The cops will be given the order to execute you. If you leave the car, you'll be instantly shot to death. If you stay in the car, the car will be shot until it explodes. This can happen during missions and drug runs. Naturally, if you die while you're in the middle of a mission, you'll have to start it over. While the Scarface method is much more exciting than simply going down the street to your nearest safehouse, I much prefer the latter. I'd prefer Godfather: Blackhand over Scarface any day.
navroze1 said:
Godfather is old, limited to i think 8 guns
Godfather no AK 47s lol
Godfather no boats
Godfather no drugs runs
[STRIKE]Godfather no henchmen who dont die within one milllisecond[/STRIKE]
Godfather no shooting from cars/boats
Godfather no chainsaw
[STRIKE]Godfather missions boring and dull[/STRIKE]
Godfather no races
[STRIKE]Godfather no driver to get you your car, you have to steal one[/STRIKE]
Godfather as soon as you are being chased by the cops you go to a safehouse and you are clean.... DULL
Godfather fewer guns than Scarface
[STRIKE]Godfather no upgrades apart from guns[/STRIKE]
Godfather can't buy exotic cars and boats

Let me fix your list. First, Godfather: Blackhand has henchmen that are very strong. Not one time have I lost more than 2 of my henchmen, and I've completed every mission in the game (and yes, I use them quite often). You can upgrade the crew's health with your Enforcer/Operator points if you're dissatisfied. Next, the missions in Godfather aren't boring and dull. That's just your opinion. Drug runs in Scarface are fun, but they get old after awhile. The Hit Contract Missions in Godfather are a lot of fun, and the bonus conditions make them even more challenging. Technically, you do have a driver in Godfather: Blackhand. If you go into any safehouse and use the phone, you can call a driver to take you to any other safehouse in the game that you own. Instantly travel from Little Italy to New Jersey. It's similar to the water plane in Scarface. Next, there are MANY upgrades in Godfather: Blackhand. You can upgrade not only your guns (three levels for each, each more powerful than the last), but everything from punch/jab speed to weapons accuracy, and from crew health to extortion abilities. Also, if you think it's boring to just go to the safehouse when you have too much heat, try bribing the cops instead. Not only will it keep heat off of you for a limited time, but the cops will actually help you attack and kill rival gang members. There's also a way to completely fill your bribe meter without having to pay the cops, but you'll have to do some exploring in-game to figure it out.
Honestly i find Godfather very dull and my henchmen died within a second..... Ok i am not the best.... (obviously unlike u :crazy: ) but I personally find Scarface a lot more fun than the Godfather and like i said, yes you can in the GF call a driver, you do that for the limo which in both take you to your safehouses/businesses. BUT in Scarface you can call a driver ANYWHERE you are.
iamreptar said:
very new review!
any disappointments of the game ?
Yes, it gets extremely boring after you've gotten a fair amount of play time in. Repetitive in earning money, with extremely expensive item purchase prices (making earning money [coastal drug runs] that much annoying).

Still a great game I'll pick up at some point once I run out of things to entertain me on the computer and in Brawl.
But there are sooo many different things to do. At least in Scarface. In Godfather all the shops look EXACTLY the same which makes it sooo repetitive and soo boring!

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