Gay Marrige

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@ Doomsteady: Why are you opposed to it? If I may ask.

I dunno.. two people of the same gender gettin hithced never seemed morally clean to me, so I could never see my self voting to vote for it(Not that Im EVER gonna vote). Its all gotta do with the day and age were livin in but thats a WHOLE nother discussion.

1) If you don't vote, be sure you don't complain about what happens because you had your chance (not saying you do complain, but if you feel the urge to, just stop)

2) How is falling in love with someone of the same gender any morally different than falling in love with someone of the opposite gender? We may not understand why they do, but they do.
@ Doomsteady: Why are you opposed to it? If I may ask.

I dunno.. two people of the same gender gettin hithced never seemed morally clean to me, so I could never see my self voting to vote for it(Not that Im EVER gonna vote). Its all gotta do with the day and age were livin in but thats a WHOLE nother discussion.

1) If you don't vote, be sure you don't complain about what happens because you had your chance (not saying you do complain, but if you feel the urge to, just stop)

2) How is falling in love with someone of the same gender any morally different than falling in love with someone of the opposite gender? We may not understand why they do, but they do.

sighh... here we go again

first of all, In my opinion the government is only gonna turn for the worst, so Ive already given up on ANY form of government.

Funny how the stupid priest SAY that they veiw same sex marriage as a sin, but as soon as they see how much the gays are willin to pay to get hitched, those freakin hipocrites embrace gay marriage with open arms and then talk good about it. Next thing ya now we got churches with signs sayin; "Are you and your same gendered spouse looking to get married,then go no further!"

But hey, thats just me. Dont let one guy like me ruin the fun for the gays and priest. Say or call me what you wanna but thats my opinion and you BETTER believe Im stickin to it.

Holy **** Skippy, you are the definition of what pisses me off about religious people. You are the very definition of a blindly religious person. Nothing wrong with believing, but when you preach **** like that, it makes me sick. This God you praise is so ****ing inconsistent. Get a story and stick to it.
What's so bad about Skippy? I don't agree with him, but he seems fairly level-headed to me. Heck, he didn't even say gay marriage shouldn't be allowed.

1) If you don't vote, be sure you don't complain about what happens because you had your chance (not saying you do complain, but if you feel the urge to, just stop)
This is probably a topic for another thread, but I've never really agreed with the "if you don't vote, don't complain" sentiment. What if you don't like any of the candidates?
1) If you don't vote, be sure you don't complain about what happens because you had your chance (not saying you do complain, but if you feel the urge to, just stop)
This is probably a topic for another thread, but I've never really agreed with the "if you don't vote, don't complain" sentiment. What if you don't like any of the candidates?

This is all I'm going to respond to because doomsteady's response had no rhyme or reason behind it.

Anyway, it's your responsibility as a citizen to consider your options and pick the lesser of two evils which you think will do less damage to the government. THEN if you don't like what happens you can say what you will because you did your part knowing the candidate wasn't perfect. But if you do nothing but sit back and complain then you're just an idiot.
I understand that Napalm. I've seen some of his other posts. But something about that specific one pushed my buttons the wrong way. Plus, I'm always on edge with **** like that. I go to private school. I have to be around blindly religious people 5 days a week. It makes me sick.
1) If you don't vote, be sure you don't complain about what happens because you had your chance (not saying you do complain, but if you feel the urge to, just stop)
This is probably a topic for another thread, but I've never really agreed with the "if you don't vote, don't complain" sentiment. What if you don't like any of the candidates?

This is all I'm going to respond to because doomsteady's response had no rhyme or reason behind it.

Anyway, it's your responsibility as a citizen to consider your options and pick the lesser of two evils which you think will do less damage to the government. THEN if you don't like what happens you can say what you will because you did your part knowing the candidate wasn't perfect. But if you do nothing but sit back and complain then you're just an idiot.

I wasnt complaining if thats what your sayin
just sayin what I had to say and what I think about the churches in regards to gay marriage
Yeah, I know.... "Im such a bad person"

Gimme a freakin break

Now that I think about it, those priest I was talkin about sometimes are charged with child molestation. Guess theyre gay too in a way
Heh.. mad world.
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Anyway, it's your responsibility as a citizen to consider your options and pick the lesser of two evils which you think will do less damage to the government. THEN if you don't like what happens you can say what you will because you did your part knowing the candidate wasn't perfect. But if you do nothing but sit back and complain then you're just an idiot.
I'm reminded of the "Douche and Turd" episode of South Park.

Here's the thing: why should we have to pick the lesser of two evils if they're both "evil"? A candidate should earn your vote, you shouldn't be expected to just give it to whichever one you hate the least.

Back on topic, it looks like another country is about to legalise gay marriage:
Eh i dissaprove of this. Its ok if they are a couple. Its ok if they have sex and what not. But getting married is a completely differnt story. Marrige in my opinion is for a man and a women who are deaply in love or in other cases they have to get married because the man got the girl pregnant.
Eh i dissaprove of this. Its ok if they are a couple. Its ok if they have sex and what not. But getting married is a completely differnt story. Marrige in my opinion is for a man and a women who are deaply in love or in other cases they have to get married because the man got the girl pregnant.

How can they have sex?? Lol it's for like having origies, unless you count...
Eh i dissaprove of this. Its ok if they are a couple. Its ok if they have sex and what not. But getting married is a completely differnt story. Marrige in my opinion is for a man and a women who are deaply in love or in other cases they have to get married because the man got the girl pregnant.
So it's okay for a man to marry a woman just because he got her pregnant, but not okay for two people of the same gender who are deeply in love?

How can they have sex?? Lol it's for like having origies, unless you count...
You're not limited to the front door, you know.
Eh i dissaprove of this. Its ok if they are a couple. Its ok if they have sex and what not. But getting married is a completely differnt story. Marrige in my opinion is for a man and a women who are deaply in love or in other cases they have to get married because the man got the girl pregnant.
So it's okay for a man to marry a woman just because he got her pregnant, but not okay for two people of the same gender who are deeply in love?

How can they have sex?? Lol it's for like having origies, unless you count...
You're not limited to the front door, you know.

True. I always wonder how the transvestites could change themselves. Idk if it's true or not either, sounds painfully disturbing
Eh i dissaprove of this. Its ok if they are a couple. Its ok if they have sex and what not. But getting married is a completely differnt story. Marrige in my opinion is for a man and a women who are deaply in love or in other cases they have to get married because the man got the girl pregnant.
So it's okay for a man to marry a woman just because he got her pregnant, but not okay for two people of the same gender who are deeply in love?

Well if the women is pregnant im sure they couple would get married. That means a boy and a girl.

And yes its not ok for two people of the same gender to get married. I thought i sadi that already.
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