Gay Marrige

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Here's a question. If a Boy is raised by two men, Shouldn't he be really Manly?

Also, in before shxt-storm.
Considering how many gay friends I have I must say that I am SUPER supportive of gay rights. I mean come on, my best friend in Middle School is gay. We hit puberty at the same time and when I checked out chicks he checked out dudes. He never realized that it was different from everybody else. It just seemed normal to him. Proves that it's not a choice. More importantly, proves that gays are every bit as human as the rest of us and they deserve to have all the same rights.
Here's a question. If a Boy is raised by two men, Shouldn't he be really Manly?

Also, in before shxt-storm.

Kenshrio was raised by a few men

well, most anti-gay supporters believe it's the biggest sin to be gay. however, if 'sin' was really the problem, the haven't we all sinned? honestly, i'm starting to think it's just a big joke about the Bible now-a-days, so if you wanna be gay, be gay, no strings attached. I have no problem with it, hell, im losing my damn virginity tomorrow, and it says that "it's a really big sin" and people say Im going to hell. you know what? life's short, do whatever. :lol:
Holy **** Skippy, you are the definition of what pisses me off about religious people. You are the very definition of a blindly religious person. Nothing wrong with believing, but when you preach **** like that, it makes me sick. This God you praise is so ****ing inconsistent. Get a story and stick to it.
While I am opposed to gay marriage, I do think that any town that allows it will see a sudden increase in property value.
@ Doomsteady: Why are you opposed to it? If I may ask.

I dunno.. two people of the same gender gettin hithced never seemed morally clean to me, so I could never see my self voting to vote for it(Not that Im EVER gonna vote). Its all gotta do with the day and age were livin in but thats a WHOLE nother discussion.
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