Gay Marrige

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....What to choose..... I'm neutral at this, man. So many of my friends here...... I'm stuck......

Gay marriage..... I dunno man, I dunno....
Meh, if they wanna get Married Let them, Who Cares if People are gay, There still human afterall, Bisexual's are partly gay(or Lesbian) if i'm not mistaken
I say Aye to gay marrige.

P.S. I'm Not gay but i have Bisexual and gay friends so i'm used to them
Sounds logical Mystic...

Quite Right, We British know how to be logical, and Argumentitive, but back on topic. Why can't people have gay marrige, yes being gay may be illegal in some countires in the world, but it doesn't stop them. i mean look at Elton John, a great Idol (i'm 17, but i f*cking love his music) he's gay, and Married. not fair if hes the only one gay to be married right? So let them Marry (I could do this all day)

Meh, if they wanna get Married Let them, Who Cares if People are gay, There still human afterall, Bisexual's are partly gay(or Lesbian) if i'm not mistaken
I say Aye to gay marrige.
I second that motion.

Glad to see other people are for Gay marrige
Dude.... WTF... You are out of your miund with that crap. Is that even worth me taking the time to respond to, or would someone else like to take a crack at it?

You know that that list of reasons for why homosexuality should be banned is complete sarcasm right? The creator fabricated the list to spitefully shoot down every reason for illegalizing same-sex marriage, with much sarcasm of course.
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lol.... @ DG: What proof does that show? Thats just more opinions bro... You have no reasonable reason for gay marriage not to be accepted that isnt based on religion or fear. If you can give me a reason that does not have a core of religion or fear, then we will discuss it. Otherwise... Your not really doing anything for me by tellin me what a politician said, whom are the biggest f**king windbags in existence (barring lawyers) but thats for a different discussion... :p

Im getting tired of showing proof. How about common knowledge bro.

Heres why i think it should be legal:
1.Denying them is a violation of religious freedom (civil and religious marriages are two separate institutions).
2.Marriage benefits (such as joint ownership, medical decision-making capacity) should be available to all couples.
3.Homosexuality is an accepted lifestyle nowadays with most evidence proving biological causation.
4.Denying these marriages is a form of minority discrimination.
5.It doesn't hurt society or anyone in particular.
6.The only thing that should matter in marriage is love.
7.The number of child adoptions should increase since gay couples cannot pro-create (although some might see an increase in gay adoptions as an argument against same-sex marriages).
8.It encourages people to have strong family values and give up high-risk sexual lifestyles.
9.The same financial benefits that apply to man-woman marriages apply to same-sex marriages.

Alright since that put in out the air, now you guys see the way i feel about this side. Now the why it should be illegal.
1.Most religions consider homosexuality a sin.
2.It would weaken the definition and respect for the institution of marriage.
3.It would further weaken the traditional family values essential to our society.
4.It could provide a slippery slope in the legality of marriage (e.g. having multiple wives or marrying an object could be next).
5.The gay lifestyle is not something to be encouraged, as a lot of research shows it leads to a much lower life expectancy, psychological disorders, and other problems.
Yes only 5. 5-9 oh well now discuss on my opinions peoples.

I know that I'm diving into this thread out of nowhere, but I'd like to point out numerous flaws with your reasons for illegalizing same-sex marriage, combatting each point you make (I know you think it should be legal, but still).

1. Be that as it may, separation of church and state in the U.S. pretty much destroys that notion. I know some religious establishments and practices in the U.S. are often unclear as to whether they cross the line of separation, but illegalizing same-sex marriage on the basis that many religions condemn it is an obvious and flagrant violation of separation of church and state.

2. Now here's a claim that I just DON'T understand. I hear many conservatives spout the "destroying the sanctity of marriage" rationale at me, and it just seems to make no sense. One, that's like saying opening rights to all destroys the sanctity of segregation. Two, keeping true to the promise of liberty and human rights in the Constitution FAR surpasses any notion of marriage's "sanctity".

3. I think "family values" should be utterly destroyed with C-4 and multiple nuclear weapons. The thought of "traditional family values" having to stay rigid and strict throughout our nation's constant development is frightening. The law, the government, hell even the Constitution change through time. As we grow and become more diverse, we get more races, sexes and religions. As of 2010, in my eyes, there no longer exists the "traditional family" and its values. Saying that the legalization of gay marriage would weaken family values is like trying to chop up pieces of dust. It's already been shattered. And "family values" are not necessarily "essential" to our society; I feel completely differently.

4. Not necessarily. I don't think that loosening the legal outline of marriage would allow of polygamy (if that's how you spell it), and it definitely will NOT open the doors to beastiality or the marrying of objects, I know that for sure.

5. Ummm....that sounds really off. You'd need to cite those statistics or research results. I don't think the gay lifestyle should necessarily be "encouraged", but it should definitely be accepted as a part of our society. Many gays live a happy and fulfilling life and are very wealthy in all aspects of the word.

[/end rant]
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maybe people would stop caring if they can get married or not if they just stopped acting like a girl and bitching so much?? at least with a girl u only have to hear her ***** a week out of every month, but with gay people its like non-stop qqparades
maybe people would stop caring if they can get married or not if they just stopped acting like a girl and bitching so much?? at least with a girl u only have to hear her ***** a week out of every month, but with gay people its like non-stop qqparades

.....Wtf kind of post is this? No seriously, there are so many flaws in this post it's almost unfathomable that any developed human could have wrote it. Please edit your post.
maybe people would stop caring if they can get married or not if they just stopped acting like a girl and bitching so much?? at least with a girl u only have to hear her ***** a week out of every month, but with gay people its like non-stop qqparades

.....Wtf kind of post is this? No seriously, there are so many flaws in this post it's almost unfathomable that any developed human could have wrote it. Please edit your post.

You don't know the internet very well, do you? Besides, its sovieto
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