Games worth Downloading on the VC?


\\/ii[) /\buse|2
Nov 1, 2007
Avonhell Arizona
Wii Online Code
Okay to start it off no1 say MARIO or ZELDA. or sonic

Okay well im up for anything fun, im down for any genre, just i havnt heard alot of these games n dont no if there good or not, just want a professional opinion.

Well im planning on DLing all the Zela and Super Mario World, TMNT, Kirbys Dream Course, Sin and Punishment, Mario Kart 64, Star Fox 64, Super Metroid, ToeJam & Earl
Punch-Out, Some of the Castlevania series, Paper Mario, Adventures of Lolo.

btw whats this gunstar heroes? any good?

What would you guys recomend'd me thats hours beyond hours of fun and not just a 2min walk n the park.

Oh and the best games for 2-4 players TX

Games i would love 2 c on the VC - Doom 64, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Duke Nukem 64, NFL Blitz, Turtles in Time TMNT, actualy all the TMNT games, Super Smash Bros, Bomberman for Sega with the lil kangaroo things, RoadRash, theres alot of others but cant think of em atm.

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I would fully recommend Gunstar Heroes, there's few games that are as much fun. Aside from the ones you've already mentioned, I'd also recommend Shining Force, Breath of Fire II, Bonk's Revenge, Beyond Oasis and Streets of Rage 2.
Word about Gunstar Heroes:

If you don't like dying... repeatedly....
Then don't download it.

You will fling your wiimote/classic controller at your screen with such a fury that it will crack in two.

And that's not even the hardest game!
Trulen said:
Word about Gunstar Heroes:

If you don't like dying... repeatedly....
Then don't download it.

You will fling your wiimote/classic controller at your screen with such a fury that it will crack in two.

And that's not even the hardest game!

Ah, it's not that difficult as long as you're not in hard mode.

If you want controller-smashing hard, try Treasure's other side-scrolling shooter on the VC, Alien Soldier.
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kool i will look into those games thx guys

there any other games i shud look into?
l7cx1Cl said:
Games i would love 2 c on the VC - Doom 64, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Duke Nukem 64, NFL Blitz, Turtles in Time TMNT, actualy all the TMNT games, Super Smash Bros, Bomberman for Sega with the lil kangaroo things, RoadRash, theres alot of others but cant think of em atm.


You forgot Majora's Mask

But i would DEFINETLY recommend Super Mario 64,, Ocarina of Time, Mario Kart 64

Maybe Star Fox 64 but i havent played it that much
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manakill said:
i agree blek

nukem on the vc would be sweeeeet!

yaaaa but i bet we wud c it on the Xbox live arcade b4 VC xD

n TMNT arcade is awesome with XL xD

Nintendo cud make all these Online Capatible if they wernt to busy makn easy money

Wii > You said:
I enjoy Kirby's Adventures.
I would also highly recomend Kirby's Adventure,the graphics are surprisingly good for the first kirby game,and its really fun.Its easy,but there are a few hard parts, and also mini-games. Super Metroid is arguably one of the greatest games of all time,it is the best metroid game besides Metroid Prime 3.
I'll put my top 5 action games:

Contra III
Gunstar Heroes
Ninja Gaiden II
Soldier Blade

If you want something really unique try Devil's Crush. It's a really cool pinball game. I really enjoy that one.

For best multiplayer games:

Contra III
Gunstar Heroes
Bomberman 93
Battle Lode Runner
Star Fox 64
Mario Kart 64
F-Zero X
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