Addicted to VC games

Maximo said:
im in the same boat as you meanmug maybe we need VCAA. i'm low on cash ,but still couldn't resist buying DKC since its been years since i played it ,and dont have the space to have my SNES hooked up. i buy at least 1 new vc game when they come out if theres any good ones. So now i have

Gunstar Heroes
Mario World
Super Mario Bros
Mario Bros
Mario 64
Ecco (my gf wanted it)
Wario Woods
Kid Icarus
Dungeon Explorer
Contra 3
Super Castlevania
Mario Kart 64
Golden Axe
(soon to be getting)
Comix Zone,Adventure Island, Sonic , Streets of Rage, Ristar ,and Space Harrier.

I havent bought any commerical games since Xmas although i plan on grabbing Wii play, and Sonic as soon as i can. My wii retail games are

Wii Sports
Red Steel
Far Cry

Plus about 60 cube games (which includes almost all the best games i'm only missing a couple key titles)

60 GC games!!!!! I've had my GC since launch and own around half of that.
I dig the VC but it's a real money eater lol. If i want to play the classics i'll play it on a pawn shop vintage system. I got 3 VC games but i have 6 wii games because i really like the new revolutionary nintendo.
This is my starting list for the Virtual Console. Plan on buying these babies as soon as my 2nd free Classic Controller comes in and I get the Internet setup at home during Spring Break. Hopefully Nintendo will put out 2 0r 3 more great games before I return home so I won't waste points on the less important ones.

1) Super Mario Bros.
2) Kirby's Adventure
3) Contra III: The Alien Wars
4) R-Type III: The Third Lighting
5) Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Might hold off till a better SF comes out)
6) Super Mario World
7) Donkey Kong Country
8) Gunstar Heroes
9) Streets of Rage
10) Super Mario 64
11) Mario Kart 64 (Depends on if I get Double Dash)
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I just have 10 VC games, there still some I want but I'll wait until there's a week where there are no new games that I want that come out for the VC.
i only have super mario bros, gunstar heros and the first zelda. never play zelda cos it sucks. but the other 2 are tight. i wish that there was a way of returning them to get maybe like half your credits back after your done or if the game sucks. cos technically you bout them, you should be able to sell them.
i dont have many, my first system was n64 then GC, so i never experienced snes, i played it a few times. So a lot of these games, i never played b4. I have street figher,mario kart 64, mario bros ( i think its that 1 , its the oriingal).... i might get sonic, DKC and maybe mario 64....... I have a bunch of Gc games and sold some with my Gc and kept a few that i would play.
You're not alone meanmug. I purchased SMB 1 and Legend of Zelda a week after I bought my Wii.

2 days ago I was looking for a replacement phone charger and saw a classic controller on the shelf. Decided to buy it and out of curiosity bought 2000 Wii points card (never again, they charged me tax on the card when I can just buy points through the Wii for even value (no sales tax)). Got home, blew away that points card in about 5 minutes, decided to use my check card to buy 5000 more Wii points and now I'm down to 400 points left. I almost bought another 3000 points yesterday but decided I should pace myself. It's just so addictive playing these games from my childhood though. Since I've started downloading VC games, I think I MAY have played Twilight Princess once for a total of 5 minutes, max.
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fistpittingnork said:
You're not alone meanmug. I purchased SMB 1 and Legend of Zelda a week after I bought my Wii.

2 days ago I was looking for a replacement phone charger and saw a classic controller on the shelf. Decided to buy it and out of curiosity bought 2000 Wii points card (never again, they charged me tax on the card when I can just buy points through the Wii for even value (no sales tax)). Got home, blew away that points card in about 5 minutes, decided to use my check card to buy 5000 more Wii points and now I'm down to 400 points left. I almost bought another 3000 points yesterday but decided I should pace myself. It's just so addictive playing these games from my childhood though. Since I've started downloading VC games, I think I MAY have played Twilight Princess once for a total of 5 minutes, max.

I think nintendo did this on purpose to steal all of our money and the bad part is its working................:devil:
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Also can i need some people to add me as a friend on the wii my wii console number and name is to the right please send me a pm if u want to add me
Man, Im with meanmug, I love the vc it's amazing. I know it gets expensive, but I have a rule I can;t buy a new one until I beat the one I orginally bought. LoZ is taking forever, the first quest is easy now but I have yet to beat the second quest. This is all worth it to me because I have since lost touch with my snes and nes from my early days, I no longer own any of these games.

Also, What's this "free classic controller" I've been seeing on the message board. I searched to find the source but the only clue I have come up with is the Japanese get a free controller for buying 5000 point, but I hardly call that free and it's useless for me. Please tell me I'm wrong and there is some magical way to get hooked up. Thanks
meanmug713 said:
Is it just me or am im the only one that is addicted to them. Because I have like 21 games so far and growing but the main reason i got so many cause i never owned a nintendo system ever since the nintendo days and never had a N64 and SNES. Here is what I have so far............

1. Super Mario Bros.
2. Super Mario World
3. Super Mario 64
4. Mario Kart 64
5. The Legend of Zelda
6. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
7. Conta 3
8. Comic Zone
9. Super Castlevania IV
10. R-Type
11. R-Type III
12. Super Star Soldier
13. Soldier Blade
14. Street Fighter II
15. Ristar
16. Bonk's Adventure
17. Gunstar Heroes
18. Toejam and Earl
19. Kid Icarus
20. Donkey Kong Country
21. Streets of rage

How many blocks do you have left?
meanmug713 said:
Is it just me or am im the only one that is addicted to them. Because I have like 21 games so far and growing but the main reason i got so many cause i never owned a nintendo system ever since the nintendo days and never had a N64 and SNES. Here is what I have so far............

1. Super Mario Bros.
2. Super Mario World
3. Super Mario 64
4. Mario Kart 64
5. The Legend of Zelda
6. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
7. Conta 3
8. Comic Zone
9. Super Castlevania IV
10. R-Type
11. R-Type III
12. Super Star Soldier
13. Soldier Blade
14. Street Fighter II
15. Ristar
16. Bonk's Adventure
17. Gunstar Heroes
18. Toejam and Earl
19. Kid Icarus
20. Donkey Kong Country
21. Streets of rage
Good on you, mate. If you can afford it and are enjoying them, then fair play to you. I wouldn't have downloaded so many so soon, but that isn't to say you've done wrong by doing so. It's good to see someone so enthusiastic about the VC, which reflects well on the Wii and Nintendo for providing such a service. The VC had a significant role in making me buy a Wii - while I would have eventually got a Wii anyway, hearing that I'd be able to download classics I was never able to experience, or playing my favourite retro games all over again, really sealed the deal for me.

Although you couldn't have possibly had decent play time with all 21 of those (surely?!), what would be your top 5 games so far?

And what do you think of Mario Kart 64, Super Mario World, Ristar, Bonk's Adventure and Donkey Kong? They are the five VC games I have so far, and I rate them all at 8/10 or more. I expected to enjoy Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario World and I'd already played DKC as a kid, but I bought Bonk's Adventure and Ristar (my first two downloads) because I'd never heard of them, they looked good and they were getting decent reviews, and I was pleased to find they were enjoyable games. My favourite is Donkey Kong Country though; wonderful game, one of my favourites of all time.
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Blue Sun said:
How many blocks do you have left?

942 Blocks but i got a 1 GB sd card i havent used yet i bought the other day when i use up all my blocks
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Hotspur Warrior said:
Good on you, mate. If you can afford it and are enjoying them, then fair play to you. I wouldn't have downloaded so many so soon, but that isn't to say you've done wrong by doing so. It's good to see someone so enthusiastic about the VC, which reflects well on the Wii and Nintendo for providing such a service. The VC had a significant role in making me buy a Wii - while I would have eventually got a Wii anyway, hearing that I'd be able to download classics I was never able to experience, or playing my favourite retro games all over again, really sealed the deal for me.

Although you couldn't have possibly had decent play time with all 21 of those (surely?!), what would be your top 5 games so far?

And what do you think of Mario Kart 64, Super Mario World, Ristar, Bonk's Adventure and Donkey Kong? They are the five VC games I have so far, and I rate them all at 8/10 or more. I expected to enjoy Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario World and I'd already played DKC as a kid, but I bought Bonk's Adventure and Ristar (my first two downloads) because I'd never heard of them, they looked good and they were getting decent reviews, and I was pleased to find they were enjoyable games. My favourite is Donkey Kong Country though; wonderful game, one of my favourites of all time.

Top 5 games that i own from best to good
1. Legend of Zelda LTTP
2. Super Mario World
3. Donkey Kong Country
4. Gunstar Heroes
5. Bonk's Adventure

My rating for games hotspur mentioned (on a scale of 1-10)
1. Mario Kart 64 -8
2. Super Mario World - 10
3. Ristar - 7
4. Bonk's Adventure- 8
5. Donkey Kong Country - 9

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