Wii launch Owner
Maximo said:im in the same boat as you meanmug maybe we need VCAA. i'm low on cash ,but still couldn't resist buying DKC since its been years since i played it ,and dont have the space to have my SNES hooked up. i buy at least 1 new vc game when they come out if theres any good ones. So now i have
Gunstar Heroes
Mario World
Super Mario Bros
Mario Bros
Mario 64
Ecco (my gf wanted it)
Wario Woods
Kid Icarus
Dungeon Explorer
Contra 3
Super Castlevania
Mario Kart 64
Golden Axe
(soon to be getting)
Comix Zone,Adventure Island, Sonic , Streets of Rage, Ristar ,and Space Harrier.
I havent bought any commerical games since Xmas although i plan on grabbing Wii play, and Sonic as soon as i can. My wii retail games are
Wii Sports
Red Steel
Far Cry
Plus about 60 cube games (which includes almost all the best games i'm only missing a couple key titles)
60 GC games!!!!! I've had my GC since launch and own around half of that.
I dig the VC but it's a real money eater lol. If i want to play the classics i'll play it on a pawn shop vintage system. I got 3 VC games but i have 6 wii games because i really like the new revolutionary nintendo.