Game servers down?

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Stuck on Testing Connection... here in the great northwest at 8:45am PDT. If I don't get my lunchtime fix I'm going to start having withdrawl symptoms. Found myself watching the movie Shooter last night in an attempt to compensate for the loss. Seriously, does anyone have a clue about how/where the Nintendo WFC servers are setup?

Working now here too!
Now I can go on living...
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I believe that the location of those servers is a closely guarded state secret, since if it was commonly known, they may become a target for global terrorism!

And some of 'em aren't "legal". Not amused.
Apologies Mr. Fish...but this was a global GE emergency! I claim temporary insanity due to being in extreme distress! :rolleyes:

...and now that it is all over, feel free to close this thread if it would make you feel better! LOL
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i am not having withdrawal symptons, was busy with oterh stuff till now,
but just tried to get on, and not working.
So Europe is still down.
So Europe is still down.

That explains the lack of lag in my current games! Smooth as butter right now! :thumbsup:

Had to jinx myself with the above post...

5:00 pm EST...ok, back to being stuck at "Testing Connection..." again...ARGH!!! "Testing Connection" is testing my patience!
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server down yesterday,and today as well. Wonder how long it is gonna take. Nothing wrong with my wii connection.i checked wii update+went online with the wii. typing this with the wiimote through the wii internet channel...
Yep I knew it. I thought it was me but it's not. I tried connecting on all the CODS I have on my ps3="Reading HDD" for 10mins with no connection.
I go on my Wii and try connecting online with my CODS=Flat out "Please try again later" message.

Well guys as Bloke said try them single player modes boys...LOL You might get better at the game ya know? /Trolol
Just as long as the servers are back up by the time Black ops 2 launches........
Still down? It was back on yesterday and then off last night. Still off all day today. How can I waste any time if I have no GE? It's sad how much I've gotten done today.
Sadly, I wonder if Wii Goldeneye 007 will be one of the last games to be fixed server-wise by Activision, as it is one of the older titles that they support... posted by Joker694 on gfs...

Maybe hurricane Sandy is a conspiracy by Activision as an excuse to shut down the GE servers! Its true. Activision has been wanting to shut the servers for GE down, as was first revealed by Shinefest. Obviously this was an unpopular decision. So they created a superstorm with advanced weather manipulation techmology with the sole purpose of destroying the servers while leaving Activision looking squeaky clean in the end!
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If managing the servers for this game is such a burden, Activision should simply charge a subscription fee. I would gladly pay a $5/month fee to play. Seems like they've still got quite an active community with this game and a potential endless revenue source if they wanted.
pay to play?
like WoW... Ugh...
as if the AH killing Diablo III wasn't enough...
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