Madden 08 online


WiiChat Member
Mar 18, 2007
There have been some problems reported today with this. I bought the game this morning, started playing offline at lunch, and got online to create my profile and look for a game around 4 pm. I created a profile but could not connect to a game. I tried a few times and made sure that my connection and my opponent's connection were both good, but to no avail. I tried to log on around 6 or 7 to view the ticker on the main menu and it wouldn't connect to EA's system, so I figured EA was running maintenance.

Well, I got on around 10:30, connected to EA's system and surprisingly got a connection for a game going. The game played very well. I was worried after hearing the reports of major lag and stuff but I really didn't have any issues. There were only a couple instances of lag and those weren't during an actual play. The only motion that wasn't really responsive was the kicking motion - for some reason it usually takes you two tries to get one off. Once it picks it up it gives you the proper power though. It was a lot of fun, I definantly see the reason people love online so much. It was great playing against an unpredictable human player, and luckily I got one who was still getting used to the game much like myself. Oh yeah, about the connection, it didn't take but just a few seconds to select teams and load up. I was actually pretty impressed by that as I figured it would take longer.

Hopefully the major online issues were first day problems with EA's servers that they have now fixed. Online was a big selling point with this game and it would be disappointing to see it be a big problem. Hopefully it turns out well because I'm highly anticipating the WiiChat Madden League.

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