Game servers down?

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Yeah, pay 4 play is a bad idea. The game's been out for too long, and the wii will be a "legacy" system soon enough.
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Is there any truth to the rumor that the servers that support GE online multiplayer will be taken down at the end of the year? What is the best alternative to GE out there? Does Legends look promising? Seems most of us are going to have to invest in new hardware in the near future. Are you guys going wii u or is XBox a better way to go?
DAY 3: StillDead --> Xplode i just created your new gamename.

I see what you did thar....

Is there any truth to the rumor that the servers that support GE online multiplayer will be taken down at the end of the year? What is the best alternative to GE out there? Does Legends look promising? Seems most of us are going to have to invest in new hardware in the near future. Are you guys going wii u or is XBox a better way to go?

Yeah, I don't know about the validity of that rumor. Shutting down Wii Goldeneye online play would be a mortal sin! Still too many people playing I think. If it did happen, however, I would have to move up to the Wii U I suppose... Perhaps Ninty's evil plan to get us all to migrate over might work after all! :devil:
diablo 2 was/is? running for over a decade.
if activision closes down the servers mere months after the release of the new bond game it would be a travesty.
If managing the servers for this game is such a burden, Activision should simply charge a subscription fee. I would gladly pay a $5/month fee to play. Seems like they've still got quite an active community with this game and a potential endless revenue source if they wanted.

If they for some ungodly reason made their old 007 game pay to play, they better outright re-release the ****er with a huge discount to players who trade in the old copy which no longer has host quits, better servers and no bloody freezes of the beepin' variety and all that bullshit jazz.

Regardless of whether or not everyone would happily throw their money at Activision for their sub-par job as is ain't of the (... terribly off-topic lolsorry) matter. It would be their duty t' improve their garbage if everyone has t' pay even more for it.

Is there any truth to the rumor that the servers that support GE online multiplayer will be taken down at the end of the year?


I'm obviously not keen on the GE community and such happenings, but it's ridiculously unlikely that rumor'd have any validity at all. GE doesn't have a CoD-sized following, but it's obviously quite large, and Treyarch's games from bloody '06 or somewhere 'round there are still online. Killing online gaming servers only a few years in the runnin' is a huge dickslap to the face of fans, and there's no way Activision will do somethin' even Treyarch wouldn't.

... Hopefully.
If they for some ungodly reason made their old 007 game pay to play, they better outright re-release the ****er with a huge discount to players who trade in the old copy which no longer has host quits, better servers and no bloody freezes of the beepin' variety and all that bullshit jazz.

The Karp-meister makes a VERY valid point here. If it were to go "pay 4 play," then fixing the host quits and wii freezes would be a HUGE benefit to the game that I would gladly pay for on a monthly basis! Not a lot of money, but enough I am sure. If the price was right, I am sure quite a few of us would consider it, also...

...but...they need to get the servers working before ANYTHING else can happen. So one step at a time!

*throws RTM at Activision*
i don't like not being able to play.
But i am not blaming them overly much for this.
I mean it is a bloody hurricane we are talking about.
Which cost lives.
*throws RTM at Activision*

i don't like not being able to play. But i am not blaming them overly much for this. I mean it is a bloody hurricane we are talking about. Which cost lives.

*throws self on top of RTM and detonates with smart phone* BOOOOM!

Good point, Redcrow. But It would be nice if fixed soon. :thumbsup:

Also, I like how wiichat has ONE thread dedicated to this, while "another forum" has about 10...too funny...
are we there yet?
are we there yet?
are we there yet?
are we there yet?
are we there yet?
are we there yet?
are we there yet?
are we there yet?
are we there yet?
are we there yet?
are we there yet?
are we there yet?
are we there yet?
are we there yet?
are we there yet?
are we there yet?
Maybe y'all should go buy CoD in the mean time. I mean hey, great games, right?

... I wouldn't keep a straight face sayin' that IRL.

i don't like not being able to play.
But i am not blaming them overly much for this.
I mean it is a bloody hurricane we are talking about.
Which cost lives.

I don't understand how the only servers they have are all located in one bloody place. Goes t' show they didn't plan out the online 'n all very thoroughly...

Also, I like how wiichat has ONE thread dedicated to this, while "another forum" has about 10...too funny...

The beauty of moderators who actually prevent duplicate threads*. wewt

*FC threads don't count... :p
If you start walking here from Delaware, you will probably get here before they would have the servers fixed anyway...*sigh*
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