Game servers down?

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Hey Chupa. Don't feel bad. We all feel like a**holes now after reading that! :lol: Thanks for the guilt trip!

Now I hope they get the servers up even faster just so I can take it out on you with a P99...

...and on a more serious note, I feel for all those who have lost due to this storm - in fact i know some personally. Appreciate the sentiment! :thumbsup:
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I've been very irritated the past few days that I haven't been able to play Goldeneye. Then I see a story on the news about a woman who had her 2 and 4 year old sons ripped from her arms as they tried to escape the flood waters. They found the boys bodies the next day. I no longer feel irritated. I just feel like an a**hole.

Well, that's a suddenly dark turn of topic indeed...

That's first-world livin' for ya. We love to engross ourselves in personal matters and likewise forget about anythin' bad happening to the rest of the world, even if it's to our own bloody neighbors. In my opinion, there's nothin' wrong with complaining 'bout your first world problems caused by the hurricane so long as one respects and feels for the terrible losses to others caused by said natural disaster. Focusing on your favorite game's severs gettin' fixed ain't exactly the same as sayin' "well, **** all the people who died! I WANT MAH GOLDENEYE!", now is it?

/devil's advocate?
reporting from northern new york by the windy st lawrence:saturday, 11/3/12. no goldeneyewii connection here[this is a telecom blackhole area afterall, besides canadian analog tv]terrible mess down in big applejersey.
Eagerly awaiting up-time!

Datagram update:

11/3 17:50: Generator in emergency shutdown again, we are running on batteries, generator will not restart. Mechanic has been called and is on the way.
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Trigger finger getting itchy, i feel sorry for the first punk who comes up against me, no mercy.........................
I know this probbaly is not the right place for this question but i have to ask:

Since the servers are down, and i was thinking of buying black ops when i will eventuelly get the wii U (since legends isn't getting any good ratings)
i figured i should play a bit of call of duty on the PC to see if the game is suited to me.
I have an eralier CoD from way back, but since the i'm always told the gameplay hasn't changed all that much, i figured it should be a good reference.

And here comes it.
When i inserted my DVD into the diskdrive it magically disappeared.
I found out the DVD slid in the space between the upper metal of the discdrive and the inside case of my labtop.
Bascially my DVD is stuck above the actual disc drive place, and under my keyboard.
In between the two of them.

My labtop itself is still running fine though.(including the playing of other dvd's) It doesn't seem to be inconveniencing anything.
But since i don't know much about the hardware part, i was wondering if any of you know if something important i located near.
Can it do damage by just letting it sit there.
And if i do want to try and get it, out, do i need to be careful, or can i just drag it out, without having to be too careful.
@ RedCrow: Gently unscrew your laptop casing until you can get the Dvd out. Dunno if it's harmful to do nothing but wouldn't take the risk to find out..
@ Rinzler: It's on!!

Yeah baby!

11/4 08:49: Final connections are being made before testing. We should be clear to start soon.
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I think i can get it out by bending the iron encasing of the discwriter a bit, and it out with a measuring stick.
I just wanna know for sure that i ain't gonna do more harm then good if i remove it carelessly.
By hitting something important, like a wire to the radiator or something.

Also i played the CoD 2003 game for a bit.
And it ain't my thing. Give me goldeneye any day of the week before it.
If the other CoD play like that, i'm buying legends 007 instead of BlackOps after all.
It's too much a one-kill game.
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Goldeneye is basically a Black ops modification, same engine, looks, different game nonetheless. Black Ops is CoD "Goldeneye style", more colours, smaller levels. Maybe you can borrow a copy or buy it second hand (around 20 euro's).
Check Youtube for some multiplayer footage!
Well i'll be checking out some videos, see how big the legends community is.
But from what i've seen, every gun is as powerful as a sniper, and people drop instantly in CoD
Which is like real life. But i prefer goldeneye where you have to pump in a certain amount of bullets istant of getting instantkills.
That is also why i liked allied assault.
servers down here London UK, must be around 4/5 days now :-(

dont make me learn how to use this XBox controler, bring the servers back I say. aka killer,uk
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But i prefer goldeneye where you have to pump in a certain amount of bullets istant of getting instantkills.

You mean GE makes you have to work to kill someone to some extent...yeah...agree with you there. Valid point me thinks!
11/4 10:40: We have power upstairs and are commencing start up procedures.
11/4 10:16: GENERATOR IS RUNNING. Checking all sensors and emergency cut offs. Load testing so that we have no more surprises. We should able to close breakers very soon.
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Update: 2:07 PST
Looks like the process in now moving forward again. No need to contact the building owner at this point.


Looks like there's been a hitch and Datagram's building owner is not cooperating. If you haven't already see the latest at

I called Stawski Partners phone but no answer. Just sent an email to the contact listed there:

If you contact them don't be a jerk. We want to encourage them to act, not piss them off.

Here's what I wrote:

"I am a customer of Datagram and I’ve just learned the Stawski Partners is not doing it’s part to assist the efforts of Datagram to get it’s servers back up and running. Please assist them in their efforts to get the building’s water pumps working immediately. I depend on their data servers for my livelihood!"
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You mean GE makes you have to work to kill someone to some extent...yeah...agree with you there. Valid point me thinks!

I have just watched a few CoD movies, and people seem to drop with 2 bullets.
Whereas in the legends 007 movies, you still need to pour in multiple bullets.
On that alone legends gets the nod for me.
It is therefore extra saddening, that the maps on CoD seems to hold the edge.
Mind you, at least in Bond you don't have to deal with airstrikes and other annoyances.
That part of CoD seems idiotic.
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