Free video game for your participation!


WiiChat Member
Dec 3, 2009
:yesnod:Are you a hardcore gamer that has attended a video game launch party or mobile game tour? Have you ever attended an event involving video games where you were able to try the game for free and given prizes or giveaways for attending? It could be a gaming convention after party or a midnight retail store event where there was free play involved and other activities.
We are a group of UCLA marketing students and we’re doing a class project on video gamers. We want to scientifically validate some theories regarding gamers. This study is for educational purposes only and data will not be shared with companies.
The interview will take at least 30 minutes over the phone but you will receive a free video game of our choice as compensation for your time. If you are interested in participating in this study please answer the following questions in an email and send your answers to Thank you!

First Name____________________________________


City/State _____________________________________




Name gamer forum website you found us on: ________________________________

  • Have you ever attended, or intend on attending a gaming convention (i.e. San Diego Comic-Con, NY Comic-Con, Penny Arcade Expo, E3, Gen-Con, etc)? If so, please name the convention and year you attended or how soon you are planning to attend.

  • Have you ever attended a game launch party, mobile game tour, etc? If so, please name event, location and date if took place.

  • During an average week, how many hours will you spend playing video games?

  • Are you part of any gaming community sites? If you are please list the sites.
I call it a excuse for some mindless kinda funny posts

At least it isnt for that sodding Lockerz site

Name_Mike Dix___________________________________
Occupation__Jobless fecker______________________________
City/State _ Manchester. Sober till Friday after noon in, currently tired _________
Email__No thanks I dont do drugs_______________________________
Sex_Anyway up
Age__Lost count, but I got one due soon and I shall be looking forward to finding out______
Name gamer forum website you found us on: _I ain't found yo_____________________________
Have you ever attended, or intend on attending a gaming convention (i.e. San Diego Comic-Con, NY Comic-Con, Penny Arcade Expo, E3, Gen-Con, etc)? If so, please name the convention and year you attended or how soon you are planning to attend.

A few
Mostly retro booze ups
None of your ones with focus on these newer games thingys

Have you ever attended a game launch party, mobile game tour, etc? If so, please name event, location and date if took place.
As I pre order

During an average week, how many hours will you spend playing video games?
Dont know
When I feel the need I play
(about 80 odd last week thanks to Dragon Force)

Are you part of any gaming community sites? If you are please list the sites.
I call it a excuse for some mindless kinda funny posts

At least it isnt for that sodding Lockerz site

Name_Mike Dix___________________________________
Occupation__Jobless fecker______________________________
City/State _ Manchester. Sober till Friday after noon in, currently tired _________
Email__No thanks I dont do drugs_______________________________
Sex_Anyway up
Age__Lost count, but I got one due soon and I shall be looking forward to finding out______
Name gamer forum website you found us on: _I ain't found yo_____________________________
Have you ever attended, or intend on attending a gaming convention (i.e. San Diego Comic-Con, NY Comic-Con, Penny Arcade Expo, E3, Gen-Con, etc)? If so, please name the convention and year you attended or how soon you are planning to attend.

A few
Mostly retro booze ups
None of your ones with focus on these newer games thingys

Have you ever attended a game launch party, mobile game tour, etc? If so, please name event, location and date if took place.
As I pre order

During an average week, how many hours will you spend playing video games?
Dont know
When I feel the need I play
(about 80 odd last week thanks to Dragon Force)

Are you part of any gaming community sites? If you are please list the sites.

or wholesale i lold at what u said :lol:
:yesnod:Are you a hardcore gamer that has attended a video game launch party or mobile game tour? Have you ever attended an event involving video games where you were able to try the game for free and given prizes or giveaways for attending? It could be a gaming convention after party or a midnight retail store event where there was free play involved and other activities.
We are a group of UCLA marketing students and we’re doing a class project on video gamers. We want to scientifically validate some theories regarding gamers. This study is for educational purposes only and data will not be shared with companies.
The interview will take at least 30 minutes over the phone but you will receive a free video game of our choice as compensation for your time. If you are interested in participating in this study please answer the following questions in an email and send your answers to Thank you!

First Name____________________________________


City/State _____________________________________




Name gamer forum website you found us on: ________________________________

  • Have you ever attended, or intend on attending a gaming convention (i.e. San Diego Comic-Con, NY Comic-Con, Penny Arcade Expo, E3, Gen-Con, etc)? If so, please name the convention and year you attended or how soon you are planning to attend.

  • Have you ever attended a game launch party, mobile game tour, etc? If so, please name event, location and date if took place.

  • During an average week, how many hours will you spend playing video games?

  • Are you part of any gaming community sites? If you are please list the sites.

hardcore gamers? is that gamers who play porn gamez?