guess what...MORE QUESTIONS!!!!!
yup that right i have more....questions!!!!:crazy:
anywaaaay...........would there be passwords for the portraits to the common room? and would there be secret portraits around hogwarts? if so what if you forget the password... would you just ask a fellow house student?
and would you make it so at a certain time it would be after hours and if a proffeser saw you walking around would you get detention?
If so what would the detention be?
If you get a job as a proffeser could you chosse homework out of a list of choices to give?
if your a student, what happens if you dont do the homework?
oh and i think insteading of levling up you go through all 4 terms and then you go home or to a friends house for like 2 weeks and that would be "summer" and then after that you go back to hogwarts but one year higher than before! Oh and if you miss to much homework you fail and you have to do the year over.
Oh and one thing for about quidditch...could Wii co. make like a broomsick that you would put your wii remote in and fly around on it for quidditch games and when your home for the summer...though it would have to be kinda exspensive...
oh and when you go home for the summer could you attend things like the quidditch world cup?
and when your home for the summer you would like start out with a house and you could make your own parents but you could buy a new house if you got enough money.
what happens if you use magic durring the summer? Would you get suspended? or would you go to wizard court?
Oh and would there be some kind of filter to keep people from saying curse words ect.?
There would have to be some kind of way to report people...
Oh and say your a gryfinndor and a slytherin walks by you in the hallways of hagwarts and uses an option to smirk at you...and you got angry...really angry, could you send a spell such as stupefy at them right there in the hallway? I mean of course there is a chance you could get detention but if you were REALLY angry i guess it would be worth it...
oh and if you get a job as a proffeser would you teach the actully people who are students and if so how would you do it? would you chosse from a list of lessons to teach and you automaticly start saying things?
and if your a student in class and you want to take notes could you just click a note button and you automaticly start writing notes? and then back in your common room could you review those notes?
and there would have to be a way to inform your proffesers that you will be on vacation and you will do all your homework when you get back.
and if somehow whoever is currently headmaster passes away, would you hold interviews for a new headmaster among the proffesers?
and by rare items do you mean things such as, invisibility cloaks, special potions, dungbombs, and sick patches?
What about if it's near christmas? Would a little christmas shop open in the entrance hall? Could you buy gifts and give them to friends on christmas?
I think another way to earn house point is to help teachers with things such as paperwork, setting up decorations, and tutoring!
Would there be a kind of way to add people as your friend just by like tell them your name? (your name in the game, not your real name) and as you spend more time them they'll become your aqquantence, then your buddy, then your friend, then your good friend, then best friend ect. and if you dont spend time with them, then instead of going up, they'll go down the social ladder. and once they become good enough of your friend they can help you with homework, and you can help them.
and there should be a library with books you can check out and you can read them like actully read them you click on the book, then click the read option, and a screen will pop up on your tv's the pages of the book...with real words!
and i think you should have to sleep for at least like 6 hours (6 minutes in real time) or you'll be tired in the morning and might fall asleep in class! (to sleep you would just like click on your bed in your dormatory and then click the sleep option, then you'll change into sleep robes and go to sleep!)
and i think the beds in the dormatories should be assigned.
and (this involves the book thing) you can only read certain books, based on your year.
and you can only cast certain spells if you know them and to learn! (to make sure you know the correct pronouciation you can click on the spell in the book and it will read it to you)
and when your home for the summer you can either cook, or use a spell to cook!
and in the beginning you should have to take the hogwarts exspress and in real time it takes about 15 minutes to go to hogwarts but you can do things like talk to friends, make new ones, bye candy, and just enjoy the scenery!(click on window and select look through option) But dont get in any fights! and when you do get to hogwarts like always first years go with hagrid and everyone else get on the carriges and ride to hogwarts!
If your a first year you shoudn't be able to buy a broomstick because you cant in the books
This is how i think it should begin...(the next part is done automaticly so you just watch) You wake up and go downstairs for breakfast your parent (which you created) ask you to get the mail, so you do...only to find a owl on the mailbox, you see a letter on it's leg and you take it addressed to you! (if your a are pure blood or half blood you show your parents the letter, if your muggle dont) after you eat you read the letter it tell you about hogwarts and gives you the supplies list so you go to diagon alley (this is where you start control your character) and buy everything on the list, then you get on the hogwarts exspress and ride to hogwarts!
On all holidays there should be an extra way to earn house points...helping the staff decorate!!!
What happens if your dueling, and you accidently leave the dueling area? Are you disqualified?
And on the weekends when you dont have classes could you take the hogwarts exspress to diagon alley to buy new things?...I think this is a good idea...
And when you get homework you have to do you would get a few multichoice questions on whatever you learned in class and if you cant remeber one of the questions....reveiw ur notes!!!!!
yup that right i have more....questions!!!!:crazy:
anywaaaay...........would there be passwords for the portraits to the common room? and would there be secret portraits around hogwarts? if so what if you forget the password... would you just ask a fellow house student?
and would you make it so at a certain time it would be after hours and if a proffeser saw you walking around would you get detention?
If so what would the detention be?
If you get a job as a proffeser could you chosse homework out of a list of choices to give?
if your a student, what happens if you dont do the homework?
oh and i think insteading of levling up you go through all 4 terms and then you go home or to a friends house for like 2 weeks and that would be "summer" and then after that you go back to hogwarts but one year higher than before! Oh and if you miss to much homework you fail and you have to do the year over.
Oh and one thing for about quidditch...could Wii co. make like a broomsick that you would put your wii remote in and fly around on it for quidditch games and when your home for the summer...though it would have to be kinda exspensive...
oh and when you go home for the summer could you attend things like the quidditch world cup?
and when your home for the summer you would like start out with a house and you could make your own parents but you could buy a new house if you got enough money.
what happens if you use magic durring the summer? Would you get suspended? or would you go to wizard court?
Oh and would there be some kind of filter to keep people from saying curse words ect.?
There would have to be some kind of way to report people...
Oh and say your a gryfinndor and a slytherin walks by you in the hallways of hagwarts and uses an option to smirk at you...and you got angry...really angry, could you send a spell such as stupefy at them right there in the hallway? I mean of course there is a chance you could get detention but if you were REALLY angry i guess it would be worth it...
oh and if you get a job as a proffeser would you teach the actully people who are students and if so how would you do it? would you chosse from a list of lessons to teach and you automaticly start saying things?
and if your a student in class and you want to take notes could you just click a note button and you automaticly start writing notes? and then back in your common room could you review those notes?
and there would have to be a way to inform your proffesers that you will be on vacation and you will do all your homework when you get back.
and if somehow whoever is currently headmaster passes away, would you hold interviews for a new headmaster among the proffesers?
and by rare items do you mean things such as, invisibility cloaks, special potions, dungbombs, and sick patches?
What about if it's near christmas? Would a little christmas shop open in the entrance hall? Could you buy gifts and give them to friends on christmas?
I think another way to earn house point is to help teachers with things such as paperwork, setting up decorations, and tutoring!
Would there be a kind of way to add people as your friend just by like tell them your name? (your name in the game, not your real name) and as you spend more time them they'll become your aqquantence, then your buddy, then your friend, then your good friend, then best friend ect. and if you dont spend time with them, then instead of going up, they'll go down the social ladder. and once they become good enough of your friend they can help you with homework, and you can help them.
and there should be a library with books you can check out and you can read them like actully read them you click on the book, then click the read option, and a screen will pop up on your tv's the pages of the book...with real words!
and i think you should have to sleep for at least like 6 hours (6 minutes in real time) or you'll be tired in the morning and might fall asleep in class! (to sleep you would just like click on your bed in your dormatory and then click the sleep option, then you'll change into sleep robes and go to sleep!)
and i think the beds in the dormatories should be assigned.
and (this involves the book thing) you can only read certain books, based on your year.
and you can only cast certain spells if you know them and to learn! (to make sure you know the correct pronouciation you can click on the spell in the book and it will read it to you)
and when your home for the summer you can either cook, or use a spell to cook!
and in the beginning you should have to take the hogwarts exspress and in real time it takes about 15 minutes to go to hogwarts but you can do things like talk to friends, make new ones, bye candy, and just enjoy the scenery!(click on window and select look through option) But dont get in any fights! and when you do get to hogwarts like always first years go with hagrid and everyone else get on the carriges and ride to hogwarts!
If your a first year you shoudn't be able to buy a broomstick because you cant in the books
This is how i think it should begin...(the next part is done automaticly so you just watch) You wake up and go downstairs for breakfast your parent (which you created) ask you to get the mail, so you do...only to find a owl on the mailbox, you see a letter on it's leg and you take it addressed to you! (if your a are pure blood or half blood you show your parents the letter, if your muggle dont) after you eat you read the letter it tell you about hogwarts and gives you the supplies list so you go to diagon alley (this is where you start control your character) and buy everything on the list, then you get on the hogwarts exspress and ride to hogwarts!
On all holidays there should be an extra way to earn house points...helping the staff decorate!!!
What happens if your dueling, and you accidently leave the dueling area? Are you disqualified?
And on the weekends when you dont have classes could you take the hogwarts exspress to diagon alley to buy new things?...I think this is a good idea...
And when you get homework you have to do you would get a few multichoice questions on whatever you learned in class and if you cant remeber one of the questions....reveiw ur notes!!!!!
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