Game developer of the millenium: Satan


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
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According to, Here we go again, video games are Devil's work, oh lordy.

Publishers and game developers can slug it out and go at it all they want, but apparently, video games have one source and one source alone: Satan! *Gasp* One staff writer for the Orange County Register types away at her blog and unloads on those awful, awful video games, even going as far as saying that games were created by Satan.

Marla Jo Fisher, a mom, is proud to note that her home is the only one in the neighborhood that is completely videogame-free. She even cites the story of a mom calling 911 to get her kid to stop playing as reinforcement to her theory. She's definitely on board with that guy that said Pokemon is the devil's work.

Video games are THE DEVIL!!!

"If Sir Isaac Newton had been playing a DS, I’m sure he never would have noticed the apple falling from the tree, so he never would have formulated the theory of gravity," she wrote. Thanks to not playing video games, she "was able to get a job as a professional writer, where people pay me to ride on fire engines, go on ride-alongs with cops and insult the makers of video games."

"Here’s my question: When do kids ever think these days? When do they ever have brains free from electronics long enough to ponder the universe? To think of things that might someday lead them to a cure for cancer?"

Universe-pondering, anyone?
here are the links TheMomBlog and Gamepolitics
Frumpy Mom corrects herself: games are not from Satan, they're from Voldemort

She now thinks games aren't from Satan...guess where games are from...LORD VOLDEMORT


After getting flamed all over the internet "as a maniacal crackpot mom" for writing that video games are from Satan, Frumpy Mom Marla Jo Fisher did some thinking that maybe she went overboard. She writes again, saying "My Bad: Video games are not from Satan" - they're actually from Lord Voldemort.

Apparently, the Dark Lord's powers include coding, programming, and the Death Eaters must be nothing more than beta testers. Who would've thought he was into Muggle magic? "What better way to turn children away from good magic and into the dark side, than to put them in a darkened room for hours every day with a joystick and a big screen, where they practice killing things for fun," wrote the Orange County Register staff writer.

Not only does she blame the Avada Kedavra spammer for video games, she also compares gaming to crack. "Also, I’m not too convinced by people who were such ardent gamers they became video game creators. That’s like saying, 'Gee, I loved crack so much, I went to Colombia and started my own business and now I’m rich.'"

And despite studies that video games have some intellectual benefit, "Video games are educational? Sorry, people, I do not believe for one second you are learning quantum physics while you are shooting down zombies. Or that you got your scholarship to MIT by using the skills you learned shooting guerrillas."

So just when you thought we'll hear an apology, she goes into a second anti-game tirade.

heres the link Gamepolitics

I think she should be in "Pound me in the ass" prison...for good, but dunno if it'll help...kinda doubt, heck she should burn the building down.
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Dude, the devil makes all sorts of cool ****, it only makes sense that he'd take up video games.
Dude, the devil makes all sorts of cool ****, it only makes sense that he'd take up video games.

personally this lady should go and learn what the hell she's talking about. i mean seriously, games are meant to be entertainment. just because some 'tards take them to far doesn't mean they're all bad.
Satans game?


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