For those who whined about no Zelda Wii game at E3...

People need to learn to be patient then. Impatience annoys me.
well then be annoyed because i'm an impatient person.

question: can nunchucks and other attachments work if the motion+ is attached?
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Besides Zelda 2 and Majoras Mask I can't think of any mediocre Zelda titles. So we don't have to worry.

Though, I did just put together that both of those are a direct sequel to a previous title and this one will more than likely be a Twilight Princess sequel.
Majora's Mask was rushed which is why it isn't as great as the rest. they were only given 1 year. its good but not up to calibur.

and Zelda 2 sucked because they did a new thing that turned out to be horrible.

anybody gonna answer my question?
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I dunno. I don't have motion+. But Google is your friend.
brilliant. Im expecting alot from this, as i usually do.The series is superb. i think theres plenty to look forward to in terms of wii games that are being released.This will no doubt be the most anticipated though
I'm honestly not expecting it in 2010. Brawl has made me such a pessimist with release dates. Regardless, I'm keeping my wii for it and they had better use Wii Motion Plus (which you can still use the nunchuk with, right?).

Anyone have the picture?
Why people think Majora's Mask was not a great game, I'll never know.

Miyamoto didn't do that much work on it, which is one criticism of it. Other than that, I was annoyed with the time that was put on it and the lack of Zelda. I think it was impossible without setting the days to incredibly slow/fast, or I was just really bad at it. The final boss was brilliant though.
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  • #26
So this fairy is the spirit of the Master Sword? I noticed the jewl on her front and the gold lines resembled something from the Master Sword but I didn't connect it.
its possible. not really know though. you can't be 100% sure until the game comes out.

@Hero: i mentioned one reason earlier. Majora's Mask was rushed. the product of one years work. its a great game, no doubt. just its not up to par with the other great Zelda games
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  • #28
Actually now that It's been brought to my attention, a lot about her resembles the Master Sword. The bottom of her dress thing resembles the round hand guard on the hilt. Her cloak resembles the winged flairs coming out of the swords hand guard. Her skin looks metallic and her hat-thing looks sharp on the tip.

Also, look at Links hand.
Actually now that It's been brought to my attention, a lot about her resembles the Master Sword. The bottom of her dress thing resembles the round hand guard on the hilt. Her cloak resembles the winged flairs coming out of the swords hand guard. Her skin looks metallic and her hat-thing looks sharp on the tip.

Also, look at Links hand.

Haha, you're reading too much into this picture. It's probably just a design trend Nintendo have with Zelda. There was a theory that Midna was evil last time around, because of her one eye thing going on and a lot of Nintendo's villains had that trait at the time. I mean:


So I wouldn't be all that bothered with it.

Looking at Link's hand, for all we know, he's probably going to harness some lobster abilities. :/
Ive seent he picture. If you view it full size, you can notice link is wearing his sword harness but nothing in his right hand. Notice the right hand, this is going to be the first zelda game where link is officialy right handed. The girl infront of him, looks like a zora. Ive heard rumors of it on youtube, but mostly rick rolls. The most logical one is The Legend Of Zelda: Faded Memories. You can tell by the color of the loz sign. It reminds me of something long lost, and maybe that is ruto. But, shigeru said its a completely different game. Another thing I would like to point out is that Link is standing in a rocky cave entrance. Maybe thats where the master sword is, or where he gets the main weapon. These are my findings after five minutes of looking at the picture.

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