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  • #290
If you read the previous page, you'd realise not all sushi is raw, King. =P

What's so good about it, you ask? Something a refined taste could only understand. ;D
Yeah, risking my life in the hands of Sushi containing a high risk of Mercury. Yeeeah.... I'd sure love to try those to test if I live or not... No offense, CK. It's just I have a problem with Sushi. = l You could never make me eat that despicable, gruesome raw fish. No matter how much you try to post.=) Even the most "refined taste" could dislike its horrids' looks, and meh, tastes. Even though I did not ate one before, but why bother, just looks like a cuts ass in middle rolled up in black foil....... Sorry.

Oh my pork! Thanks for stealing the internets, RockerJ......

I really dont care for Italian food, although Pizza is good. I dont hate it, It just never appealed to me.

Sushi sucks. Gible and Zangoose FTW!

Bacon still sucks.

Mexican food.....thats where its at. Pile on the jalapenos and hot sauce!
Bacon doesn't like you.=P
The greatest food combination ever is altoids and orange juice

Oh god...

Yeah I'm no fan of Hamburger Helper... my burgers don't NEED help


Yeah, Tuna Helper is better though.

... That sounds god awful.

I like any mac-n-cheese thats not made by Craft....ugg..

Any mac'n'cheese premade, be it the cheese or pasta, is garbage. If you make it from scratch (or atleast buy the cheese from a deli and the like), it's the ****. Like aforementioned burgers. ;D

Yeah, risking my life in the hands of Sushi containing a high risk of Mercury. Yeeeah.... I'd sure love to try those to test if I live or not... No offense, CK. It's just I have a problem with Sushi. = l You could never make me eat that despicable, gruesome raw fish. No matter how much you try to post.=) Even the most "refined taste" could dislike its horrids' looks, and meh, tastes. Even though I did not ate one before, but why bother, just looks like a cuts ass in middle rolled up in black foil....... Sorry.

No matter how mercury-poisoned a fish is, you must eat quite a few of said ENTIRE fish (not small sushi portions, especially =P) before becoming sick or poisoned. A fish isn't exactly our size; they aren't going to contain a big enough mercury dose to kill us if they themselves are alive long enough to be caught and processed.

Not to mention mercury poisoning is only prevelant in fresh water fish, any sushi utilizing freshwater fish is clearly from a poor quality, unreliable food source, like a 3rd world seafood market or something...

That, and I can almost guarentee you the only time you should NEVER eat a fish product is if it's from the Hudson. That'l get you incredibly sick at the least... ugh. Ofcourse, the Hudson has more pathogens and pollutants atleast 100 fold more than possibly any other river in the entire damn US, and you won't see a single fish being eaten from that river, none the less sushi made from said fish.

And for the last time King, sushi is NOT always raw. :lol: There are specific rolls that have ingredients to be cooked by regulation as every other fish/meat/whatever throughout the rest of the US. Aside from puffer fish, sushi is actually quite safe to eat, even moreso if you're not buying cheap shite from a corner store (... the day I see sushi at a corner store is the day I weap...). And there are sushi joints where you can request rolls to not be raw regardless, I'm sure.

Everyone has different tastes. Some of the most prevelant and prominent connoissuers love sushi; most common folk don't. Your typical american cuisine is worlds apart from sushi. And whatever food you're raised on will often solidate your ability (or lack of) to expand your palate to other ethnic groups of food. I don't blame you for not wanting to try it. But Sushi is one of the foods that focuses highly on presentation and garnish to look appealing, so what you think of as looking disgusting is a work of art in the food realm, ya know.

Point being, hate on sushi, that's fine. Anyone who forces someone to eat or love a food is idiotic. Just don't hate a food over misunderstood facts and rumours, yeah? =)

Anywho... I still havn't gotten to Taco Bell. =/ Who cares to make a donation to my pay pal account?! :D

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... That sounds god awful.

Anywho... I still havn't gotten to Taco Bell. =/ Who cares to make a donation to my pay pal account?! :D

F-ck you, CK.

...Taco Bell is the ****! I love their Crunchwrap Supremes the most. Whats your favorite item?
... That sounds god awful.

Anywho... I still havn't gotten to Taco Bell. =/ Who cares to make a donation to my pay pal account?! :D

F-ck you, CK.


...Taco Bell is the ****! I love their Crunchwrap Supremes the most. Whats your favorite item?

Time-honored Chalupa, mah boi. Top it with anything; cheese (shredded or nacho), lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, salsa, you name it. In all honesty it's been ages since I've been to Taco Bell, so I havn't had anything "new" in forever, but I assure you I'm grabbing their new Bacon Chalupa Club ASAP. ... Eventually. DX
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  • #295
Yeah, risking my life in the hands of Sushi containing a high risk of Mercury. Yeeeah.... I'd sure love to try those to test if I live or not... No offense, CK. It's just I have a problem with Sushi. = l You could never make me eat that despicable, gruesome raw fish. No matter how much you try to post.=) Even the most "refined taste" could dislike its horrids' looks, and meh, tastes. Even though I did not ate one before, but why bother, just looks like a cuts ass in middle rolled up in black foil....... Sorry.

No matter how mercury-poisoned a fish is, you must eat quite a few of said ENTIRE fish (not small sushi portions, especially =P) before becoming sick or poisoned. A fish isn't exactly our size; they aren't going to contain a big enough mercury dose to kill us if they themselves are alive long enough to be caught and processed.

Not to mention mercury poisoning is only prevelant in fresh water fish, any sushi utilizing freshwater fish is clearly from a poor quality, unreliable food source, like a 3rd world seafood market or something...

That, and I can almost guarentee you the only time you should NEVER eat a fish product is if it's from the Hudson. That'l get you incredibly sick at the least... ugh. Ofcourse, the Hudson has more pathogens and pollutants atleast 100 fold more than possibly any other river in the entire damn US, and you won't see a single fish being eaten from that river, none the less sushi made from said fish.

And for the last time King, sushi is NOT always raw. :lol: There are specific rolls that have ingredients to be cooked by regulation as every other fish/meat/whatever throughout the rest of the US. Aside from puffer fish, sushi is actually quite safe to eat, even moreso if you're not buying cheap shite from a corner store (... the day I see sushi at a corner store is the day I weap...). And there are sushi joints where you can request rolls to not be raw regardless, I'm sure.

Everyone has different tastes. Some of the most prevelant and prominent connoissuers love sushi; most common folk don't. Your typical american cuisine is worlds apart from sushi. And whatever food you're raised on will often solidate your ability (or lack of) to expand your palate to other ethnic groups of food. I don't blame you for not wanting to try it. But Sushi is one of the foods that focuses highly on presentation and garnish to look appealing, so what you think of as looking disgusting is a work of art in the food realm, ya know.

Point being, hate on sushi, that's fine. Anyone who forces someone to eat or love a food is idiotic. Just don't hate a food over misunderstood facts and rumours, yeah? =)

Anywho... I still havn't gotten to Taco Bell. =/ Who cares to make a donation to my pay pal account?! :D


And for the last time King, sushi is NOT always raw. :lol:
What? Of course not!xD My mum cooks 'em. And then I put on a taco. Then I devour it! Honestly, I don't really think I ever remember me saying that "fish is always raw".......= l I just say "That raw that! This raw this!"

Your typical american cuisine is worlds apart from sushi. And whatever food you're raised on will often solidate your ability (or lack of) to expand your palate to other ethnic groups of food. I don't blame you for not wanting to try it. But Sushi is one of the foods that focuses highly on presentation and garnish to look appealing, so what you think of as looking disgusting is a work of art in the food realm, ya know.

Woah, woah, woah, woah, wh-woah....... woah. Take it easy, JK Anyway, think twice before you type. I actually spent almost my entire life eating Mexican food. A little of Italian food, a little of American cereal, then a little of meat. But, Sushi!!!!! My gosh, that really messes my head. The first time is saw it was like "What... the hell... is that repulsive thing!" Of course no one can blame for something what, or what isn't good enough to look at or imagine what it would taste like. And my eating of following the Pyramid Food seems to be in order, thank you very much. So, yes, it has expanded through out my life eating various of food.

Just don't hate a food over misunderstood facts and rumours, yeah? =)

Hm, rumors or facts, these what it wouldn't express.

I just don't like Sushi. Besides, I really despise it. I prefer eating Mexican fish. Wouldn't it be the equal to the Sushi depends on how healthy or unhealthy the person wants?

Anywho... I still havn't gotten to Taco Bell. =/ Who cares to make a donation to my pay pal account?! :D

If I "trust" Just kidding dude. Hahahaha! Yeah, sure, how much? 10s? 1000s? 100s?lol =P
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King, you misread; I said sushi, not fish. :lol:

Couldn't say anything else if I didn't know what foods you ate, so I assumed what most ignoramus' do. Sorry King. .-.

A good thing indeed you were raised on any ethnic food but american, which I don't even consider to be such. Nothing but grease and fried food in your typical american diet. There's a finer side to all that fat and disgust (chefs like Flay are to thank for this, ofcourse), but hey, you've gotta be rich or incredibly fortunate to regularly dine on it.

I don't remember mentioning the food pyramid, though? >_> (the new food "pyramid" is retarded and one-sided regardless, if you were referring to it...)

A little Italian is all you've expanded on then, since cereal and meat doesn't count, King. =P You've a long way to go if you've mind to indulge in variety, but that's for the better, really. The more to choose from, the better the results. The realm of fine dining is infinite regardless ofcourse, so I won't be running out of new cuisine any time soon, either. =)

If I "trust" Just kidding dude. Hahahaha! Yeah, sure, how much? 10s? 1000s? 100s?lol =P

$9001 pl0x! :D :D :D ... Smart ass. :lol:

Oh and, what does this broken english mean? >_>;

I just don't like Sushi. Besides, I really despise it. I prefer eating Mexican fish. Wouldn't it be the equal to the Sushi depends on how healthy or unhealthy the person wants?

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