whats your favorite things


Miles Per Hour
Jul 31, 2007
this is how you play the game

name your favorite food

name your favorite game

name your favorite movie

name your favorite music

name your favorite character (from anything)


heres mine

food. taco

game. ssbb

movie. transformers (mayby ?)

music. ???

character. kirby
Hmm...How is this a game?

...Oh well...

Favorite Food: Everybody knows....TACOS!!!

Favorite Game: Zelda Twilight Princess

Favorite Movie: Star Wars III

Favorite Music: Anything from Three Days Grace

Favorite Character: Luigi...duh.

...Also, how is your favorite game SSBB, when it hasn't come out yet?
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fav food: burritoes
game: ssbm
fav movie: i now pronounce you chuck and larry
fav character: toad and toadsage from naruto (name toadsage two fav guys toad, toadsage it all makes since)
music: soja boy
Favorites: (Though I also do not see how this is a game)

food: chipotle burritos

game: at the moment, forza 2

movie: boondock saints

music: changes almost daily (right now the pretender by the foo fighers)

character: marcus fenix (gears of war for those who don't know)
Favorite Food: Vietnamese Noodles =]

Favorite Game: Killer Instinct (Snes)

Favorite Movie: All Pokemon Movies/Show

Favorite Music: Pokemon Advance Theme Song

Favorite Character: Pikachu

Favorite Color: Yellow
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lol.....copy D. luigi and edit

...Oh well...

Favorite Food: Everybody knows....TACOS!!!

Favorite Game: Wario world

Favorite Movie: Dude, wheres my car

Favorite Music: Anything from Three Days Grace and System of a down

Favorite Character: wario...duh.

...Also, how is your favorite game SSBB, when it hasn't come out yet?
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why do you have quote at the end of your sentence
name your favorite food: curry

name your favorite game: vagrant story(playstation)

name your favorite movie: anything monty python

name your favorite music : old house tunes from early 90's

name your favorite character : hmmm dunno

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