

Lol, nintendo and their fail-translations. Congrats J, you win teh internets.

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I never tried sushi, it doesn't sound so great, raw fish...feel me?
Thank you! Like I typed earlier in the other past few posts...... Ugh, sushi.........
I could go for some...... STEAK!

Yes, Olive Garden is the shiznit. But that's nothing compared to real authentic Italian food. Go to a true high class Italian restaurant, and you'll forevermore laugh at the Olive Garden.

But Sushi is still better. =D

0_0 Oh, gawsh no! xD Shiznit..... Sounds weird to pronounce it. lol JK, dude. Sushi is not better! Nor it was in the beginning. I don't understand you people!xD What is so great about Sushi?

Raw fish........ Yeah, maybe I would try one those counting to one of the "risking life." Risking life you say? Hm.....Hm-hm-hm.
If you read the previous page, you'd realise not all sushi is raw, King. =P

What's so good about it, you ask? Something a refined taste could only understand. ;D
Oh my pork! Thanks for stealing the internets, RockerJ......

I really dont care for Italian food, although Pizza is good. I dont hate it, It just never appealed to me.

Sushi sucks. Gible and Zangoose FTW!

Bacon still sucks.

Mexican food.....thats where its at. Pile on the jalapenos and hot sauce!
What about burger and fries? I like it. I've tried sushi, i don't really like. But pizza is great too, with ketchup and mayonnaise, yummy.....
Oh my pork! Thanks for stealing the internets, RockerJ......

I really dont care for Italian food, although Pizza is good. I dont hate it, It just never appealed to me.

Sushi sucks. Gible and Zangoose FTW!

Bacon still sucks.

Mexican food.....thats where its at. Pile on the jalapenos and hot sauce!

Whats wrong with your tongue?
Sushi sucks. Gible and Zangoose FTW!



... Was that a bit too much? :biggrin5:

What about burger and fries? I like it. I've tried sushi, i don't really like. But pizza is great too, with ketchup and mayonnaise, yummy.....

Pizza with ketchup and mayo?? Never heard of that before... I'll take tomato sauce rather than ketchup guarenteed, but... mayo might work, who knows. I can't say I'll be trying it, though. :lol:

A real burger is indeed the shiznit. Not the fast food kind at all (yes, I'm looking at you, McDonalds), but a burger that's made fresh from the highest quality of beef, butchered and delivered that very day, hand-seasoned and grilled with the freshest of ingredients to garnish, and a high quality roll to make it all blend epicly.

Yeah, I know how to find a good burger, whether I can afford it or not. :lol:

Whats wrong with your tongue?

God angry, dog's ass, before born. 'Nuff said.
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The greatest food combination ever is altoids and orange juice

JUST KIDDING GUYS it's actually really, really terrible. Never do that combination or the taste will linger in your mouth for several days. I'm speaking from personal experience here
I went and tried it...damn my mouth was so cold and minty!!

Hamburger helper always looks so good in the commercials..anyone tried it?
Yeah I'm no fan of Hamburger Helper... my burgers don't NEED help

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