
thats a choker dude i ate that at the zoo and when i went to go buy a soda i was a quarter short and no one would give me a freagin quarter
Ive heard that Vernors floats taste good, should try it sometime.

Do not know what the hell that is but cool.

I wanna try something made by a 5 stat chef..just to see the difference from a normal restaurant.
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  • #217
Root beer floats are pretty good. I just had one yesterday.
In general, I think Root Beer floats taste like crap!Dx Sorry, it's just that I can't stand that caramel soda stuff.= l
i prefer other sodas

I agree, I like Raspberry Iced Tea from Nestle, Arizona, and Brisk. Ohhhhh, MAMA!!!XD
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  • #219
You showed this already. Didn't you.:lol:
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  • #222
Yeah, it was the one with what kind of cereal you eat in the morning.

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