
I like those little cheese cubes in parties. Take one everytime i walk by the guy/girl holding them.
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  • #197

I'm addicted.:biggrin5:

It looks very unappetizing.DX Just kidding, I never seen that
I like those little cheese cubes in parties. Take one everytime i walk by the guy/girl holding them.

Never had 'em..... Does Luchables count?lol
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  • #200

I'm addicted.:biggrin5:

It looks very unappetizing.DX Just kidding, I never seen that
It is the most delicious spread that ever existed!
Its meant to be put on bread but I always end up it eating the whole thing by itself.
What the heck is it anyway?lol What flavor it packs?
ikr i do the same thing with peanutbutter ans sometimes syrup
Seriously?? What is it!!!!xD What flavor does it packs in????
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  • #202
its like another peanutbuter icant believe u havent heard of nutella its a better version of peanutbutter It's probably where I live don't own 'em. I dunno....
Nutella is a hazelnut chocolate bread spread that is very rich in flavor, its like eating a melted chocolate bar.

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