Fast, Easy Rupees?

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Sahirrama said:
if you get all the poes you can get unlimited money...
that "unlimited" makes me wonder like if i buy something my number of rupees never goes down???
It goes just go back the Jovani's house and get 200 more can go back all the time.
Technically, you will never run out of rupees if you go back.
They easiest way is the final bug glitch save before you give agitha the final bug then give her the final bug save turn off power during save turn back on you still have 1000 rupees she gave u and continually talk to her again and she thinks somehow you havent given her the final bug and every time you talk to her she gives u another full 1000 rupee wallet easiest ruppee explanation yet
Easy rupees

go to lake hylia and go on the flight by fowl. fly to the left trail of rupees and land on the platform with the chicken on it. in the distance above the desert, there are a bunch of birds. kill them all and rupees will raindown into the lake. jump off the platform and collect the rupees.
Ever notice that little side exit from Jiovanni's? I haven't figured out how to get up there yet because Midna won't let you transform to human in there, but there's a way out through the air vent, for some reason.