woohoo I beat TEH CAVE first try


WiiChat Member
Jan 4, 2007
Ok, I finished Zelda about a week ago, but still had some stuff left for a rainy day.
Since today all the water in the oceans decided to drop from the sky, I inserted the Zelda-disc in the Wii.

I had read some stuff about the Cave of Ordeals, which is located in the Desert, for all that didnt know. At the end you are supposed to face 3 'Iron Knuckles' which were said to be the baddest badguys around. After reading a very brief summary, and forgetting most of it, I suited up for Teh Cave:

Bottles: 4
-1 Greater Fairy
-3 Fairies

Bombs: 60, 60, 52
Arrows: 54 (just cleared the last Castle and didnt bother buying new)
All found equipment available, just before final boss

Magic armor: 1000 rupees (as always I have a rupee surplus)
Hearts: 18/18 (+ 4/5)

Anyway, as I am progressing into Teh Cave, I find little resistance. Sometimes I get hit and about halfway, the first fairy saves my life. I decided to scoop some Chu jelly with the empty bottle. 1 purple Chu gave me a full replenishment of health and I scooped a new red one and kept that one. Occasionally arrow+bomb firing at the guys that throw Icespears. Another of my fairies bites the dust. Nearing the end, I face 3 of what in my enemyolygy is called 'Darknuts'. I dispose of them, at the cost of 1.25 heart and prepare for the next room... end of cave. So the guide called my 'Darknuts' a different name and I ended the Cave of Ordeals with a surplus of supplies:

Bottles: 4
-2 Greater Fairy (1 from the Fairy Queen or whatever)
-1 Fairy
-1 Red Chu Jelly

Bombs: 60, 60, 24
Arrows: 26
All found equipment available, just before final boss

Magic armor: 670 rupees (before last fight costed me a lot, but with 2 little effect so I switched it off again)
Hearts: 8/18 (+ 4/5)

I was convinced the guys with the big ball and chain are called Iron Knuckle, and I find those harder to beat up then Darknuts. Anyway, the last fight was a real pushover, but I lost a lot of health and rupees in the fight with 1 Darknut and 2 Flying Lizalfos. Probably my strategy was wrong at the beginning, so I changed it after a while. Stay away from the Darknut, wait till 1 Lizalfos charges, dodge him and pull the other Lizalfos down when he charges, then hurt him bad and repeat untill he is dead. When one is dead, the rest is easy.

Now I have to spend zillion+ hours to beat that annoying Yeta....
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^^ well, I have to confess I peeked at a guide at the times I got totally stuck in a dungeon. But not that often.

Plus the fact that I got only LoZ: TP and Wii Sports... How is NFS:Carbon on the Wii? Which race-game is currently the best?
carbon is amazing using control sceme 4 (imho), graphics are good if you don't mind jaggies. best i've played, but i reckon excite truck will be better
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Hmm yeh, ive played it on the Xbox at a friend and I think I liked it, the customization and all.

GT Pro basically sucks as far as I've seen, really poor graphics. Theres some Monster Truck 4x4 game which looks pretty good, not sure how it differs from Excite. Excite is a pretty short game, Ive heard... :(
U have to use the short cut to beat Yeta on the slopes. Follow behind her one time and watch for her short cut. It's after u jump over and through the pine trees. It's a small ledge on your right side that u must hop onto. She's not so tough once you find her short cut.
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Yeh I tried the shortcut with Yeta already, but I kept falling down, because of the 'slippery' control. It was fun, but after trying for 1 hr, I gave it up. Ill prob beat her some day and think it wasnt a big deal at all.

Cave is fun and repetitive, might try it again some other day.
the cave is the only hard part in the game for me so far i cant get to the end ran out of arrows
of corse im just snipering the small enemys and consentraing on the big ones
i just went back to get the gaint quiver
going to get the gaint bomb bag
I died the first time and made it the second time. The first time I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't come prepared at all. The second time I came armed with 4 bottles of blue potion, 1000 rupes and the magic armor, full bombs and full arrows. By the way, I noticed that you have three bomb bags. I only have two, how do you get the third one?
You can slash Yeta when she's near you, giving you a slight advantage to take the lead again.

I'm also about to attempt the CoO as well.
kitkat_bar said:
By the way, I noticed that you have three bomb bags. I only have two, how do you get the third one?

You probably already got the second bomb bag where
you float down river

The third comes when you
blow up the big rock under the water in the zora throne room

Then you can make them all bigger by
floating down the river again and shooting jars

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