Forest Temple Walkthrough

1. Monkeys (I released 2 so far) won't follow me into t-junction room. They stay inside when i go out, cross the bridge and enter t-junction room.

2. I have opened 3 treasure chest (one in the water canal, second in t-junction room and the third at the entrance)

3. I picked up 2 keys from the treasure chest but I don't have them anymore. How is that?

4. I have already lit all torches.

Rach-You need the Gale Boomerang to open that gate, which can be obtained from the Mid-Boss. Now, look at the 4 mills infront of that gate. Now look on the floor and you will see a Z pattern. Now hit all 4 mills in one throw (by z targeting) in the pattern of that Z to open the gate.

Grimreaper- You need to get a cannon to get there. You must first have 3 mirror shards. Then, you go to Telma's Bar and look on the map on the table.
Go there, and you will need to restore Ilia's Memory. This part is complicated
so I suggest searching on Google for a walkthrough / guide and doing it yourself, it takes too long to explain.

dudewii- Yeah I have OoT too :D It rocks.

Mnforce- Follow the guide. Read it over. Retrace your steps. And while you have the lantern on and in your hand, press B to swing it to light torches.

Wulf- No need to quote all that, you wasted alot of space.


1- If they don't follow you, then you don't need them, or your going the wrong way or you need to rescue another monkey(s).
2- Ok...what's your point?
3- That is because you used them on doors or you didn't save.
4- Good...Follow the guide now people.
Thanks for the help! This was very useful. Just to clarify one point about the boss: Once the boss has fully emerged from the fog, use the boomerang to throw a couple of bombs at it, to kill of the two heads on either side. It took me a while to figure out how to stun the main head, however, because I would target the monkey to get a bomb, then target the head, but he wouldn't swallow the bomb. You actually have to target the monkey twice. Target him once to get a bomb. When the bomb is in your hand, target the monkey, then the boss head on the same boomerang throw. That'll do the trick.

were do you get a bomarang??????

riviet were do you get a bomerand at the forest tempels so you can put the light out because i have aready lit the light nd i can not throw the bug
were do you get a bomarang??????.

riviet were do you get a bomerand at the forest tempels so you can put the light out because i have aready lit the light nd i can not throw the bug
were do you get a bomarang??????.

riviet were do you get a bomerand at the forest tempels so you can put the light out because i have aready lit the light nd i can not throw the bug
You have to defeat that monkey that has the boomerang to claim it as your own.
can you help me? i'm new at this
u say:
Head to the north west side of the room and cross the wooden bridge to get back to the caged, special chest with the boss key. Look on the ground for a reversed Z marking. Notice the four statues at each corner of the reversed Z with their respective propellors on each. You objective is to open the gate by using your boomerange to spin the propellor in the ordered specified by the reversed Z marking on the ground. You can either start with the top-right or bottom-left statue (starting from either of these two will unlock the door). Use the Z button to lock onto a propellor and release the boomerang once you have locked on to each of the four statues in the correct order. If done correctly, the gate will open, allowing you to pick up the boss key from the chest.

I have done this probaly 50 times! what am i doing wrong? i am hitting the fans with the boomarang. they are not all spinning at the same time. is that a problem?? i keep hitting them from just off the bridge, bottome left, bottom rt, top left, top right. gate shakes, nothing. what am i doing wrong!!??

thank you so much getting bummed with same part over andover. thank you for walkthrough!
Did someone seriously revive a 3 year old thread? I haven't been on this forum in years, and I just came back because I got an e-mail that someone posted on this thread.


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