i never said evolution doesn't exist. I just don't believe we evolved from apes and the first humans were adam and eve created by God. I see it more of like an adaption for changes in the environment for animals and such. We are bashing your evolution (the way you theorize it) because look at the title of the tread. this is an evolution thread, not a thermodynamic or relativity thread. i'm just standing up for my beliefs, sorry if that as you say crying "foul" get over it. Your doing the same with your beliefs too. Come on negative:shocked: So what you can debate our theories and if we debate yours we are being whiney. Oh and how am i getting caught in the hype? This is actually the first time I've ever debated with someone about this issue.n3gative3 said:Exactly, coolsmile (Don'tKnow, etc..), I think you are getting caught up in all the hype around this evolution/atheism vs. creation/Christianity (to be general) thing that has been growing momentum in this country (possibly in part due to YouTube, The Rational Response Squad, and creationism in schools).
It has become some odd crusade of sorts to try and debunk evolution because it doesn't fit with your beliefs. I don't see anyone attacking the Theory of Thermodynamics or even the Theory of Relativity and crying "foul" that they don't exist because they are "just theories."
It's the same vice versa too, so whats your point?n3gative3 said:It has become some odd crusade of sorts to try and debunk evolution because it doesn't fit with your beliefs.
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